Directed Independent Electives

Authorizing Body:

Curriculum Committee


Cynthia Ledford, M.D.

Most Recent Reviewer:

Cynthia Ledford, M.D.

Date Issued:

September 17, 2018

Last Update:

September 17, 2018


In order to provide students with flexibility in their program of study, OUWB offers a suite of independent electives. This suite of electives allows a student to create a “designer” elective to meet individual learning needs. In order to use a directed independent elective for credit toward graduation requirements, the elective must consist of meaningful educational experience equivalent to either two-week or four-week of elective credit and cannot be redundant with other coursework or requirements. The three types of directed independent electives that students may request are:

  • Directed Independent Research elective (DIR),
  • Directed Independent Clinical Elective (DICE), and
  • Directed Independent Non-Clinical Elective (DINCE).

Scope and Applicability:

All students enrolled in the School of Medicine.

Standard Practice Guideline:

Directed Independent Electives may be created to gain 1) focused research experience, 2) a unique clinical education opportunity, or 3) a unique non-clinical education experience.

  1. Initiation of a request to design a Directed Independent elective, whether research, clinical education, or non-clinical education must be initiated at least 12 weeks prior to the planned start date.
  2. The first steps involve identifying the opportunity and defining the educational experience.
  3. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education or delegate can assist with defining the educational experience. A meeting early in the process is strongly encouraged.
  4. The student works with the host faculty member to define the independent learning experience, in compliance with the specific guidelines below.
  5. Once the directed independent elective is defined and the sponsoring faculty member is in agreement, the student should submit the proposal for DIR/DICE or DINCE to Medical School Records and Registration ([email protected]). The proposal must be submitted at least five (5) weeks prior to the start date for the elective.
  6. Additional factors may be considered. These factors include, but are not limited to the student’s academic record and the presence of a compelling reason to establish such an elective (for example the absence of a similar elective course at the School of Medicine).

Directed Independent Research Elective (DIR)

  1. Elective credit cannot be granted for research experience or work that is part of the required EMBARK or Capstone courses.
  2. The proposed educational experience in research must involve at least 40 hours of scholarly work per week for four weeks. Two-week options are not available for DIR. Students cannot receive more than four weeks of elective credit.
  3. All research electives are considered non-clinical.
  4. Most DIR electives are completed at OUWB. When a compelling reason is present, such as the type of research not being available in system, the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education or designee may approve an Away DIR elective.  Away DIR Electives must meet standards for both DIR and Away elective.
  5. At least five weeks prior to the intended start date, the student must submit a Directed Independent Research Elective Scheduling form including a detailed project proposal and research elective application including the signature of the research mentor for approval by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education.  The proposal must include detailed information about what the student will learn as a result of this research experience and how the student will provide evidence of this learning, i.e. an abstract, draft article, IRB submission, literature search, etc. Sample learning objectives are available upon request.
  6. To receive a grade and credit toward graduation, the student must demonstrate satisfactory evidence of having met the pre-defined learning objectives for the elective. All grades are assigned by OUWB faculty, whether the DIR is completed at OUWB or at an away site.

Directed Independent Clinical Education Elective (DICE)

  1. Elective credit cannot be granted for clinical education experience or work that is part of other required courses, clerkships, or remedial activities. DICE cannot duplicate learning or experiences that are part of other clerkships, courses, or electives completed by the student.
  2. The proposed educational experience in clinical education must involve at least 40 hours of work per week. The DICE can be assigned 2 weeks or 4 weeks of elective credit.
  3. To qualify as a clinical education elective, the student must be involved in the care of patients or diagnostic procedures used for patient care for at least 50% of the time in the elective. The proposal must contain information about time, location and types of clinical care in which the student will be involved.
  4. All DICE must be completed at OUWB. DICE are not permitted at away sites. (see away elective policy)
  5. At least 5 weeks prior to the intended start date, the student must submit a detailed proposal and DICE application, including the signature of the faculty physician who will supervise the student, for approval by the Associate Dean for Clinical Education.  The proposal must include detailed information about what the student will learn as a result of this clinical education experience and how the student will provide evidence of this learning.
  6. To receive a grade and credit toward graduation, the student must demonstrate satisfactory evidence of having met the pre-defined learning objectives for the elective.

Directed Independent Non-Clinical Education Elective (DINCE)

  1. Elective credit cannot be granted for education experience or work that is part of other required courses, clerkships, or remedial activities. DINCE should not duplicate learning or experiences that are part of other clerkships, courses, or electives completed by the student.
  2. The proposed non-clinical educational experience must involve at least 40 hours of work per week. The DINCE elective can be assigned 2 weeks or 4 weeks of elective credit.
  3. All DINCE must be completed at OUWB. DINCE are not permitted at away sites. (see away elective policy)
  4. At least 5 weeks prior to the intended start date, the student must submit a detailed proposal and DINCE elective application, including the signature of the faculty member who will supervise the student, for approval by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education.  The proposal must include detailed information about what the student will learn as a result of this non-clinical education experience and how the student will provide evidence of this learning.
  5. To receive a grade and credit toward graduation, the student must demonstrate satisfactory evidence of having met the pre-defined learning objectives for the elective.

Directed Independent Study, Directed Independent Study-Medicine (DIS/DISM)

Directed Independent Study is an elective course designed to address an individual student’s deficiencies in specific content areas that have been identified as a result of performance in courses or clerkships.

  1. The student and an OUWB faculty mentor with whom the student plans to work must jointly design the curriculum. The Student Progress and Review Committee (SPRC) may make recommendations regarding enrollment in DIS.
  2. DIS does not provide credit towards graduation requirements.
  3. Enrollment in a DIS is by permission of the SPRC.


Clinical Electives
A clinical elective is an educational experience that involves patient contact or diagnostic procedures used for patient care that consists of a minimum of 50% patient care time.

Directed Independent Clinical Education electives (DICE)
Directed Independent Clinical Education electives are designed to address an individual student’s interest in a specific clinical content area.

Directed Independent Non-Clinical Education electives (DINCE)
Directed Independent Non-Clinical Education electives are designed to address an individual student’s interest in a specific non-clinical content area.

Directed Independent Research electives (DIR)
Directed Independent Research electives are designed to address an individual student’s interest in specific research content areas.

Directed Independent Study, Directed Independent Study-Medicine
Directed Independent Study is an elective course designed to address an individual student’s deficiencies in specific content areas that have been identified as a result of performance in courses or clerkships.

Non-clinical Electives
A non-clinical elective is an educational experience that does not involve patient contact or diagnostic procedures used for patient care. Research electives are considered non-clinical.

Research Electives
All research electives by design are directed independent research electives (DIR). All research electives are considered non-clinical.

Related Policies and Guidelines:

Approving Away Electives
Add - Drop and Schedule Changes
International Electives
M3-M4 Graduation Requirements
Modified M4 Schedule for Students with Academic Difficulties
OUWB Religious Observance Guidelines