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August 28, 2024

OU makes best offer on contract, including 16% in salary increases over 5 years

After a daylong bargaining session with the state-appointed mediator, OU offered the faculty union its best offer, including more than 16% in salary increases over five years. The package also accepted the union’s proposal on workloads, doubled the retirement stipend for part-time special lecturers, and increased funding for promotions, travel and research fellowships.

All told, the offer includes more than a 21% increase in overall compensation over the life of the proposed five-year deal and reflects what OU believes is the best package it can offer without incurring systemic deficits moving forward. More details can be found here - OU presented the AAUP with its best offer.

The faculty union said they needed time to consider the offer. The two sides agreed to extend the current contract until Tuesday, Sept. 3, the next day the mediator is available. But OU made clear to the union it is available to meet prior to that if the union has a response reflecting the University’s economic realities. 

Breaking it down, OU’s offer included:

  • Year 1: 4% merit pool, plus a one-time $1,000 lump sum payment
  • Year 2: 2.25% merit pool, plus $500,000 in market adjustments (bringing the total salary proposal to 3.1% increase for that year)
  • Year 3: 2.25% merit pool, plus $500,000 in market adjustments (bringing the total salary proposal to a 3.1% increase for that year)
  • Year 4: 2.75% merit pool
  • Year 5: 3% merit pool

Additionally, about another 1 percent in compensation has been committed to increasing salaries upon the award of promotions.

OU is hopeful the proposal, which includes more in market adjustments than ever offered before, reflects its commitment to reward faculty with a fair and generous offer that also does not put the University into significant and ongoing deficits. This five-year compensation package is significantly greater than any five-year period in decades, if not longer. 

OU had hoped to resolve the contract before Labor Day, but it is committed to doing whatever is feasible to reach this goal before Fall classes begin on Sept. 4.