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July 3, 2024

Administration offers fair, generous economic package to union

The Oakland University bargaining team presented its initial package of economic proposals to OU-AAUP on July 3, offering a salary increase of 12.75% over the proposed five-year contract, including a 4% raise for the 2024-2025 academic year. The economic proposal applies to all faculty members, including special lecturers.

The offer reflects the administration’s commitment to reaching a fair and equitable contract, consistent with its financial resources, that benefits all faculty members as well as the entire campus community.

The two bargaining teams continue to have productive conversations on the handful of remaining non-economic issues and have tentatively agreed on yet another article. Further discussions on those issues, as well as on the initial economic package, are set for next week.

The administration continues to be encouraged with the progress made thus far and the commitment demonstrated by both bargaining teams toward reaching a new contract in the coming weeks.