Master of Science
Software Engineering and Information Technology

Get the training and experience to accelerate your career in software engineering and information technology.

Our master’s degree in software engineering and information technology (SEIT) qualifies you for high-level jobs in software engineering and IT. You’ll acquire advanced skills that are in heavy demand in nearly every industry, positioning you to lead software engineering projects and manage IT teams. Our software engineering and IT master’s degree is built around practical, hands-on experience. You’ll work on campus and in professional settings with leading innovators in autonomous vehicles, machine learning, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and other emerging sectors. Our software engineering and IT master’s degree moves you to the forefront of the discipline, with the expertise to help develop next-generation technologies.

Our master’s degree in software engineering and information technology (SEIT) qualifies you for high-level jobs in software engineering and IT. You’ll acquire advanced skills that are in heavy demand in nearly every industry, positioning you to lead software engineering projects and manage IT teams. Our software engineering and IT master’s degree is built around practical, hands-on experience. You’ll work on campus and in professional settings with leading innovators in autonomous vehicles, machine learning, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and other emerging sectors. Our software engineering and IT master’s degree moves you to the forefront of the discipline, with the expertise to help develop next-generation technologies.

Software Engineering and Information Technology: The Oakland University Advantage

Our location in Southeast Michigan’s diverse, dynamic industrial complex creates an ideal environment for a master’s degree in software engineering and IT. You’ll have opportunities to collaborate with and learn from tech innovators in multiple sectors, from automotive to health care, manufacturing, energy, artificial intelligence and more.

In addition, our graduate degree in software engineering and information enables you to:

  • Prepare for leadership roles. You’ll develop a big-picture perspective that equips you for supervisory and management jobs. In addition to cultivating advanced technical expertise, our software engineering and IT master’s degree helps you strengthen your organizational, decision-making and communication skills.
  • Engage in advanced research. The master’s degree in software engineering and IT includes an optional research track, which you can use to prepare for doctoral studies or new professional opportunities. Oakland University has active research partnerships that are developing groundbreaking applications in cybersecurity, embedded systems, autonomous vehicles, biomedical devices and other technologies.
  • Work in world-class labs. The School of Engineering and Computer Science maintains state-of-the-art labs outfitted with industry-caliber tools for software engineering and information technology. You can work in specialized facilities such as the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Laboratory, Chrysler Controls and Robotics Lab, Center for Robotics and Advanced Automation, Broadband Wireless Communication Lab and Center for Cybersecurity.
  • Build relationships with nationally recognized experts. Oakland’s faculty and industry partners include technology pioneers at the forefront of the software engineering and IT profession. You’ll learn from and work alongside innovators who are moving the discipline forward.
  • Belong to a diverse community. Oakland University’s faculty and students come from all over the world. That’s especially true in the School of Engineering and Computer Science. Our multicultural community mirrors the global workforce in software engineering and information technology.

What Can You Do With a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering and IT?

A master’s degree from Oakland University equips you to compete for the best jobs in software engineering and IT. Our graduates stand out in the job market for their professionalism, breadth of expertise and mature problem-solving skills. In addition, you’ll have first-hand experience with emerging technologies, putting you ahead of the curve in competition for specialized software engineering jobs.

Every industry relies on advanced information technology and robust software, so career opportunities in this field are extensive. Our master’s degree program prepares you for IT and software engineering careers in fast-growing industries such as:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Mobile applications
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Robotics
  • Visual computing

Master of Science in Software Engineering and IT: What You’ll Learn

The Master of Science in Software Engineering and Information Technology consists of 32 credits, with an optional master’s thesis. The program offers both a professional track and a research track. Within each track, you can choose to concentrate in either software engineering or information technology.

Regardless of which track and concentration you choose, you’ll complete a core sequence of courses in object-oriented analysis and design, cloud computing, database systems and project planning and maintenance. You’ll complete the degree in software engineering and information technology with electives chosen from within your area of concentration. 

Sample course titles for electives include:

  • Mobile and Smartphone Application Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery
  • Bioinformatics
  • E-Commerce and ERP
  • Information Security
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning and Applications
  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
  • Software Verification and Testing
  • Software Prototyping and Validation

Software Engineering and IT Master’s Degree Program Resources

Programs Related to the Master of Science in Software Engineering and IT

Not sure if the master’s degree in software engineering and IT is right for you ? Check out these other graduate degree programs at Oakland, and contact our admissions team to discuss your options.