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Facilities Management

Facilities Management Building
411 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)

Siraj Khan
Associate Vice President for Facilities Management
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401
(248) 370-2160

Sustainability for Proposed Projects

Sustainability for Campus Proposed Projects:

By: Siraj Khan, MSME, PE, CEM, LEED AP, CEFP

Associate Vice President for Facilities Management

  • We are currently in the processes of replacing an existing vintage boiler in the central heating plant with a combined heat and power gas turbine of 4.6 MW that will produce electric power and thermal energy as well as reduce electric power demand during peak hours, that will result in savings for energy and utility bills.
  • A proposal was presented to the University leadership to install 100 meter Wind Turbine of 2.1 MW, to provide clean power of 10 to 15% of campus load. However economical viability is not very attractive and this project is currently on hold.
  • A feasibility study was completed and presented to the University leadership to install a Biomass Boiler of 40MMBTU to cut down gas utility bills however this project is currently not in consideration due to the fact that the gas prices fallen off sharply and economical viability is questionable now.
  • Recommissioning of campus buildings and a new energy performance contract is already in progress. 

Campus Sustainability Initiatives

The Facilities Management office plays an active and responsible role of implementing sustainability best practices on construction projects and maintenance services that the department manages.  Our team consistently examines their work to improve and provide a sense of economic viability.

Every day these practices are utilized during design, construction, operation and maintenance of the buildings and campus infrastructure. These practices save energy, reduces potable water consumption, improve occupant comfort and environment, reduce the carbon footprint that results in a better sustainable environment and a greener campus.

Some of the best practices we focus on:

Energy savings and energy efficiency 

Encompassed in projects such as the recommissioning of Pawley Hall and Recreation and Athletic building, O'Dowd Hall mechanical improvements, Hannah Hall of Science lab ventilation improvements, chiller plant optimization, and sections of primary HTHW loop piping installation.

Water savings

Implementation of low flow plumbing fixtures in housing buildings, using well water for lawn irrigation in the lower play fields and rain harvesting in the Human Health Building and the Engineering Center.

Indoor environmental quality

Replacement of filters is a part of routine maintenance to provide clean air for occupant spaces, as well as upgrading building controls for better comfort of the building occupants.

Storm water management

Controlling run-off and sediment, water retention and cleaning catch basins

LED Lighting

Installation on roadways, parking lots and inside buildings


Using native plants and trees, longer time frames between grass mowing and irrigation systems with rain sensors using well water


Using green label products across campus


Proper recycling of paper and other recyclable waste

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