Gender Neutral Restrooms
Oakland University’s campus is home to more than 40 gender neutral restrooms available for your comfort and convenience. Gender neutral restrooms allow individuals who are transgender, gender non-conforming, disabled, or those have small children to use the facilities in peace and safety.
There are two wings of Anibal House, each with an external entrance.
There is one single-stall neutral bathroom on the ground floor in the center of each wing, between the Men's and Women's bathrooms.
Locate these restrooms and more on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There is one single-stall gender neutral bathroom on the 2nd floor of Dodge Hall.
If entering from main campus, continue up the stairs and head straight until you see signs for gendered bathrooms. Gender neutral bathroom is near Women's bathroom.
For an accessible route, enter in the atrium between Dodge and Hannah, and turn right to enter Dodge Hall. Follow hallway and turn left, elevator is on left hand side.
Locate this restroom and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There are four single-stall gender neutral bathrooms in the Engineering Center. They are located on the first, third, fourth, and fifth floors.
Locate these restrooms and more on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There are two gender neutral bathrooms in Fitzgerald House. There is one single-stall and accessible gender neutral bathroom on the first floor in the North wing of the building. There is also a multi-stall gender neutral bathroom on the second floor of the South side of the building. Please note there is no elevator in this building, making the multi-stall bathroom one of the only non-accessible gender neutral bathrooms on campus.
Locate these restrooms and more on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
The bathroom near the waiting area for Graham Health Center and OU Counseling Center there is one single-stall bathroom, which is gender neutral and accessible.
Locate these restrooms and more on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There are two single-stall gender neutral restrooms on the 3rd floor of Hannah Hall.
Locate these restrooms and more on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There is one single-stall gender neutral restroom in Hill House. This restroom is on the 3rd floor, in the area which is accessible to non-residents from the bridge entrance near Hamlin Circle.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There are seven gender neutral restrooms in Hillcrest Hall, one on each floor.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There are two gender-neutral restrooms on the first floor of HHB. Labeled "Shower" - each restroom contains a shower, toilet, and sink.
There is also one single-stall gender neutral restroom on the 2nd floor near the East entrance.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There is one single-stall gender neutral restroom in the basement of Kresge Library.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
This restroom is currently closed for construction.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
One single stall gender neutral bathroom located in Room 113, in hallway near middle of the building.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There are four single-stall gender neutral restrooms in Oak View Hall. The one on the 2nd floor near the South entrance is available to non-residents, and sits beside a single-stall women's restroom and a single-stall men's restroom. Additional single-stall gender neutral restrooms are available on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th floors for the use of residents and their guests.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
Lower level, one restroom. (Between Bookstore and SPB/Student Congress.)
First floor, one restroom. (Between ID card office and Gold Rooms.)
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
First floor, Four restrooms
Third floor, One restroom
Fourth floor, One restroom
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There is one single-stall gender neutral restroom on the first floor.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
First floor, one restroom. Near Veteran's Support Services office.
If entering from second floor, head towards Vandenberg cafeteria and take stairs or elevator down to first floor.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
There is one single-stall gender neutral restroom in Van Wagoner. This restroom is on the 3rd floor, in the area which is accessible to non-residents from the bridge entrance near Hamlin Circle.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
First floor, two restrooms.
In the new wing of Wilson Hall, there are two gender neutral bathrooms next to each other on the first floor near the Academic Success Center.
Locate this restrooms and others on our OU Gender Neutral Bathrooms Google Map.
Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC)
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-4336
[email protected]
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.