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Elevate your education with Oakland University's wide array of options. OU offers tailored courses for the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program, ranging from literature and language to the social sciences.

LBS 5940 (Formerly LBS 500) - Introductory Colloquium (4 credits)

Introduction to liberal studies.  Acquaints students with graduate-level skills, methods and materials.  Consider problems specific to interdisciplinary study and research, as well as ongoing debates about the nature of the liberal arts. Student must be admitted to the MALS program. Examples of previous courses include: Russian Culture, Art and Film; The City; Athena's Acropolis; The Silk Road; Bandits, Pirates & Highwaymen; Gender, Feminism & Knowledge.

LBS 5941 (Formerly LBS 501) - Seminar in Language and Literature (4 credits) CORE

Seminar organized around a single topic or question from language and literature.  Student must admitted to MALS program. Examples of past courses include: United Germany and its Discontents; The Artist in War.

LBS 5942 (Formerly LBS 502) - Seminar in the Humanities (4 credits) CORE

Seminar organized around a single topic or question from the humanities. Student must be admitted to MALS program. Examples of previous courses include: Crossroads of Culture: The Middle East; China: The Celestial Kingdom; Evil: A Philosophical Exploration into the Origins and Nature of Evil.; History of Russian Film.

LBS 5943 (Formerly LBS 503) - Seminar in the Social Sciences (4 credits) CORE

Seminar organized around a single topic or question from the social sciences.  Student must be admitted to MALS program. Examples of past courses include: Rich/Poor: Social Classes, Inequality in America; Politics through Literature; War: The Hidden Religion; Psychological Perspectives: Aging in Film, Fiction & Poetry.

LBS 5944 (Formerly LBS 504) - Seminar in the Sciences (4 credits) CORE

Seminar organized around a single topic or question from the sciences. Student must be admitted to MALS program. Examples of courses include: Science and Religion; The Nuclear Age; Evil Genes; Man and Metals. 

Elective Courses

Note: Prerequisites for electives include admission to the MALS program and prerequisites as specified for cross-listed courses.

LBS 5900 (Formerly LBS 511) - Topics in Language and Literature (4 credits)

A course to be cross-listed with a graduate course in language or literature, which includes English, linguistics, modern languages and literatures, rhetoric, communication and journalism. Student must have graduate status and meet prerequisites. Examples of courses include: Irish Literature, British Literature, Victorian Era, 20th Century Literature; Creative Non-Fiction, Digital Culture: Identity & Community; Contemporary Native American Writing; Gender Communication.

LBS 5902 (Formerly LBS 512) - Topics in the Humanities (4 credits)

A course to be cross-listed with a graduate course in the humanities, which includes art and art history, history, philosophy, and music, theatre and dance. Examples of previous courses include:  History of the American South; Arab-Israeli Conflict; African Cultural History; German Art; Jazz, Blues and American music; Cold War in America: 1945-1990; Medieval Jewish History; Russian Art; History of Photography; Chinese History.

LBS 5904 (Formerly LBS 513) - Topics in the Social Sciences (4 credits)

A course to be cross-listed with a graduate course in the social sciences, which includes economics political science, psychology, sociology and anthropology. Examples of previous courses include:  International Terrorism; Cognitive Psychology; African Politics; Communism; Russian Political System; Culture & Society through Film; Sociology of Gender.

LBS 5906 (Formerly LBS 514) - Topics in the Sciences (4 Credits)

A course to be cross-listed with a graduate course in the sciences, which includes biology, chemistry, mathematics and statistics, and physics. Examples of previous courses include: Human Adaptation; Philosophy of Biology; Medical Fiction; Philosophy of the Mind; Ancient Science.

LBS 5970 (Formerly LBS 590) - Independent Study (2 or 4 credits)

Independent research on a specific topic, extending previous coursework or exploring a topic not covered in available courses. Arrangements with a faculty member must be in place before registration. Prerequisites: LBS 5940 (Formerly LBS 500), two core seminars, two electives, permission of the instructor and permission of the program director.

LBS 6996 (Formerly LBS 600) - Master's Project (1-4 credits)

Students are expected to enroll in this course during the semester in which they write their master's project. Prerequisites: Students must have taken LBS 5940 (Formerly LBS 500), two core seminars, four electives and have permission of the program director. Further details on the final project appear on pages 13-14 following.

Courses focusing on writing have produced two publications featuring student essays. These include "This Particular Patch of Earth: Essays from the Writer in the Garden," and "Writing Our Wanderings: Travel Essays from a Liberal Studies Colloquium."

These publications are available for purchase at $7.00 each. Contact the department secretary at 248-370-2154 to purchase or for additional information.