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MALS Graduate Assistant

The MALS program offers a graduate assistantship.

Your application will be considered if:

  • You have an undergraduate degree with a strong academic record (3.5 or higher) and have been admitted to the MALS program.
  •  You demonstrate strong writing abilities, are capable of using MS Word and Publisher, and are willing to learn the Percussion web authoring system. 
  • You have completed no more than 20 hours of MALS graduate credit demonstrating excellent work.

As a Graduate Assistant you will assist the Director with promoting the MALS program within and outside the university and support the MALS program and curriculum in various ways, including newsletter editing and reporting. Other duties may include classroom support for MALS classes and event planning.

While you hold the assistantship, you must also be enrolled in two MALS courses each semester (eight hours of MALS graduate credit).

The assistantship is normally awarded on a semester-to-semester basis and may be renewable contingent on performance.  It carries a stipend of $5200.20 per semester and includes remission of tuition.

Former Graduate Assistants:

Valerie Edge
Angela Kayi
Kathleen Fabian
Laura Gononian
Marlene Marion
Regina Weiss
Hassan Nasralah
Rebecca Dykzeul
Ann Marie Dennis
Yucheng Shi
DeAnne Ward
Chole Trinka