Grizz Facts

Data Literacy Institute (DLI) group research findings

The number of first-year students attending tutoring and supplemental instruction programs dropped during the height of the COVID pandemic

Tutoring use decline

Tutoring, supplemental resources, decline, students

icon of a calendarMonday, August 1, 2022

icon of a pencilBy Deborah Cash, Gustavo Patino, Michelle Southward, Beth Wallis, Reuben Ternes

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Research Findings

First-year students attended tutoring and supplemental instruction at lower rates during the height of the COVID pandemic, and fewer first-generation college students used tutoring services than non-first generation students.

Attendance of first-generation students was less affected by COVID, as the average number of visits to tutoring for first-generation students is close to pre-COVID levels.

There continues to be a gap in Tutoring Center utilization between first-generation and non-first-generation students. Reducing this utilization gap is one way to ensure that all students receive the academic supports they need to be successful.

Data Literacy Institute

Oakland University participated in the Data Literacy Institute (DLI) – a partnership between APLU and the Association for Institutional Research with funding from Ascendium during the 2021-2022 academic year. OU’s cross-divisional team consisting of faculty, administrators, and staff with diverse data literacy backgrounds actively engaged in this data literacy training.

Participants meet weekly throughout the academic year to participate in class lessons, webinars, discussion boards, virtual seminars and group activities. Oakland’s DLI participants teamed up on three capstone research projects, all around student success.

The findings from DLI projects are featured in this first of three Grizz Facts with the intention of sharing the research findings broadly and building interest in data literacy across the university community. Contact the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at for more information about this work.

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