In the Community

Jo Reger mobilizes social movement expertise in community engagement work

Public speaking and mentorship objectives are high priorities in service work performed at both local and regional levels

Jo Reger, Community Engagement, social movements

icon of a calendarApril 30, 2024

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As a department chair and having taught seven different courses within the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice, Professor Jo Reger, Ph.D., wears multiple hats and serves the campus community is as many ways.

Jo RegerDr. Reger’s reach extends beyond her peers and pupils at OU though. She also regularly shares her expertise by publishing articles in a variety of scholarly journals and by offering presentations focusing on areas of her expertise including social movements, gender and feminism in the U.S.

She has spoken at the Troy Public Library, at a meeting of Citizens for Peace, to the Young Feminist Council, at the Rochester Hills Public Library and at the invitation of Judge Adrienne Young or the Oakland County Bar Association Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, to name a few.

Reger's most recent presentation for the DEI Committee in March of 2024 focused on mentorship models that her audience can utilize to help create a more inclusive world, weaving in feminism and DEI at its core.

OU faculty and staff involved in community engagement activities on behalf of the university are invited to share stories of the work they're doing and the impact it is having in the community. Additional information and a form to get the process started are available here.

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