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Online Learning Assessment

If you agree with the statements below, an online program is likely a great fit for you!

Learning Style

  • I am able to learn independently.
  • I can remember information that I read and do not need to hear it out loud.
  • Physical classroom camaraderie isn't a high priority for me.

Organization/Self Motivation

  • I can pace myself to meet set deadlines.
  • I understand that an online course requires the same time commitment as a traditional face-to-face course (sometimes even more).
  • I appreciate flexibility in my class schedule.


  • When faced with frustrating computer problems, I maintain a sense of calm and know how to search for solutions.
  • I am comfortable corresponding via online services like email, forums, and social networking.
  • I have a computer with internet access.
  • I know how to copy and paste between different programs.
  • I know how to use and install standard internet tools (YouTube, email, web browsers, Microsoft Office, Flash, Java, etc.).
  • I am familiar with how to use computer hardware like the camera and microphone.