Office for Student Involvement

Oakland Center, Room 49
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2400
[email protected]

OSI Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OSI Service Window Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OU Student Congress Bylaws

Appendix I – Oakland University Student Congress Bylaws

  1. University Student Congress
    1. Financial Authority
      1. Authority over the University Student Congress funds rests with the University Student Congress in compliance with University Student Congress Constitution.
      2. University Student Congress financial accounts
        1. Must maintain a master account, hereby known as the “Main Account.”
        2. Must maintain an account for the processing of funds generated from the Student Activities Fee.
        3. Per the policies of Oakland University, the University Student Congress must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000.00 in its Main Account.
          1. These funds must remain uncategorized in each University Student Congress budget, and be replenished should they have been used in a previous semester, and this minimum balance must never be reallocated to any other line items.
          2. Per University policy, these funds may be accessed in the event that the Congress is presented with an un foreseen expense or expenses that were not allocated for in a budgetary period.
  • Unforeseen expenses include such items as bills whose total is greater than was allocated for and bills from previous semesters, due to increases in labor costs, material costs, etc., and cannot be due to negligence.
    1. Unforeseen expenses do not include items such as programming not previously created in a given budget, a forgotten item in a budget, and presidential discretionary.
    2. The University Student Congress Financial Affairs Director, in conjunction with the Student Body President, shall determine whether an expense is considered “unforeseen;” however, these individuals are responsible for planning accordingly within their budget to prevent unforeseen circumstances to the best extent possible.
    3. The Legislature shall be notified in the event these funds are accessed and must approve the expenditure ex post facto by a majority vote; in the event that the expenditure is not approved the minimum balance must be immediately replenished from the budgetary line item Uncategorized Funds, or from another budgetary line item should adequate Uncategorized Funds be unavailable.
  1. Cannot be used to fund any student organization or club sport expenses unless Oakland University Student Congress is co-sponsoring an event or initiative with another student organization or club sport.
    1. For an event or initiative to be considered co-sponsored, Oakland University Student Congress must be directly involved in the planning process of the event or initiative and all advertising material for the event or initiative must identify Oakland University Student Congress as a co-sponsor.
      1. If a co-sponsor bill is passed by the Legislature, the bill sponsor and/or co-sponsor(s), with oversight of the Marketing Director, shall be held responsible for overseeing the Host Organization’s compliance to these Bylaws.
      2. If a co-sponsorship bill is passed by the Legislature the bill sponsor and co-sponsor(s), with oversight of the Marketing Director, shall be held responsible for making sure that the Oakland University Student Congress is advertised in every way the Host Organization offers.
      3. If Host Organizations do not comply with Article 1, Section A Sub-Section 2d Item i. of these Bylaws, then co-sponsorship funding shall be withdrawn and transferred back into the line-items in which the funding originated.
    2. The University Student Congress shall create a budget on a semester-by-semester basis, those being Summer, Fall, and Winter.
      1. None of these budgetary periods may be combined together to create a single budget.
      2. The aforementioned budgets may not allocate or otherwise spend more money than is available for that particular semester.
      3. The budgets for each period may provide money for programs and initiatives that will take place in another budgetary period, provided the funds used are available within the budget of the period the request is made; those requesting funds must prove that they cannot reasonably wait to request funding until the actual budgetary period within which the program or initiative will come to pass.
    3. Compensation
      1. The University Student Congress must determine if and how it will compensate its members and appointed agents prior to the beginning of the summer session and Fall/Winter term.


  1. Congressional Ethics
    1. All members and appointed agents of the University Student Congress must abide by the following ethical standards:
      1. Uphold and obey the University Student Congress Constitution, these Bylaws, and the University Student Congress Oath of Office, the Student Code of Conduct, University ordinances, all applicable local ordinances, State laws, and federal laws.
      2. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of accomplishing tasks undertaken.
      3. Maintain good academic and disciplinary standing with the University.
    2. Members Shall Not
      1. Discriminate unfairly by abusing powers and privileges afforded to members and appointed agents of University Student Congress.
      2. Use any information provided in confidence, in the performance of Congressional duties, as a means of making private profit.
      3. Engage in any business with the University, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with conscientious performance of Congressional duties.
      4. Breach the Student Code of Conduct, University ordinances, applicable local ordinances, State laws, and federal laws.
    3. All University Student Congress members shall refrain from the posting of materials endorsing a political figure, issue, or party in the main University Student Congress office, except those materials endorsing a position adopted by the University Student Congress via resolution.
  2. Executive Branch
    1. Requirements of Branch Members
      1. Persons are restricted from occupying a voting seat in the Legislature while occupying a position within the Executive Branch, except where explicitly allowed in the OUSC Constitution and these Bylaws.
      2. Must submit a report to all members of the University Student Congress at every meeting of the University Student Congress Legislature including but not limited to:
        1. Typed summary of the Branch member’s activities and those of their respective committees.
        2. In the event that an Executive Board Member fails to submit their report for three weeks during their semester of service, they are to immediately be put up for review per the process described under the Judiciary Bylaws. These three missed reports will be kept track of by the Judiciary Chair with help from the Administrative Assistant.
      3. Must maintain posted weekly office hours during all University academic semesters.
      4. Must accept additional duties as delegated by the Student Body President.
      5. Must maintain records of all business considered at meetings the member oversees.
      6. Attend all meetings of the University Student Congress Legislature
        1. Absences and tardiness due to familial, medical, other unforeseeable circumstances, or the execution of Congressional duties shall be deemed excused by the Student Body President and Judiciary Chair.
          1. Documentation for an excused absence must be submitted to the Judiciary Committee within seven (7) days of the absence for it to be considered excused.
        2. Members of the Executive Branch are permitted to not attend General Body Meetings if:
          1. They provide evidence of a class conflict to the Judiciary Chair and Student Body President ahead of the first meeting of the semester.
          2. They are not the Student Body President.
  • They are not the Student Body Vice President.
  1. They are not the Administrative Assistant.
  2. They faithfully fulfill the completion of their office hours.
  3. They provide weekly Executive Board reports to the Legislature.
  1. All Executive board members shall work in the Student Congress office at least 10 hours per week, but may be directed to work additional hours by the Student Body President, up to the amount of hours approved by the Legislature in the approved OUSC Budget.
    1. In the event an Executive Board member is working less than 10 hours per week, or less than directed by the Student Body President up to the hours approved in the Budget by the Legislature, the matter shall initially be referred to the Student Body President or his/her designee, for resolution.
    2. The Student Body President, or his/her designee, can waive any applicable hourly working requirement for Executive Board members on an case-by-case basis for good cause.
  2. All Executive board members will dress appropriately for general body meetings


  1. Appropriate dress does not include:


  1. Sweat pants, shorts, tank tops, crop tops, or t-shirts that are not affiliated with Oakland University Student Congress or Registered Oakland University Clubs or Organizations that do not contradict these Bylaws


  1. Clothing endorsing a specific political candidate or political party


  • Graphic shirts of any style


  1. Flip-flops


  1. Any clothes that reveal undergarments


  1. Clothing with tears


  • Clothing with violence, nudity, hate speech, or profanity



  1. Appointment to Executive Branch Positions
    1. Appointees may hold their position for a maximum of two Legislative Body meetings without confirmation by the University Student Congress Legislature.
    2. If the appointee fails to receive confirmation from the Legislature within the time specified above, then the person:
      1. Must immediately and unconditionally vacate the position.
    3. Additional appointed Executive Branch positions may be created by amendment to these Bylaws.


  1. Student Body President
    1. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Ultimately responsible for the execution of all legislation and directives of the University Student Congress Legislature.
      2. Ultimately responsible for all duties delegated to the members of the Executive branch.
      3. Must chair a campus-wide Open Forum and conduct an informative State of the Student Body Address during the winter semester of the University’s academic year.
      4. Must prepare and submit budgets to the University Student Congress Legislature by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the Summer and Fall/Winter terms of the University Student Congress Legislature.
      5. Has the authority to include a discrepancy factor with respect to budget line items during the budgetary period.
      6. Represent the student body in all dealings with University, local, state, national, and international officials.
      7. Hold bi-weekly personal meeting with all Executive Branch members and appointed agents.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. May appoint an interim chair to any Congressional standing committee where the position becomes vacant.
      2. Chairs the Student Activities Fund Assessment Committee (SAFAC).
      3. May move to submit amendments to the guidelines of the Student Activities Fund Assessment Committee to the University Student Congress Legislature in General Body Meetings.
      4. May include a presidential discretionary fund budget line item in budgets submitted to the University Student Congress Legislature.
      5. May delegate duties to other members of the Executive Branch or appointed agents while retaining full responsibility for the fulfillment of those duties.
      6. May dismiss any member of the Executive Branch or appointed agents for violation of their duties and obligations as outlined in the Constitution or these Bylaws.
        1. Dismissal shall be understood to mean that the appointed agent or executive board member in question will be barred from service and denied compensation.
        2. In order for the dismissed appointed agent or executive board member to be formally removed from Oakland University Student Congress, charges must be filed to the Judiciary Chair pursuant to the procedures outlined in “Impeachment of University Student Congress members” section in these Bylaws.
      7. Sits ex-officio on all OUSC Committees and Councils.
      8. Approve or deny purchases of the University Student Congress before said purchases are made, and/or delegate this power to his/her designee. Any purchase denial can be overturned by a 2/3 majority vote of the Legislature, which shall grant power to the purchaser to make the purchase.
      9. May move to submit Ad-hoc Committee Guidelines to the Legislature that are to be approved through the process outlined in Section K of Article VI of these Bylaws
    3. Student Body Vice President
      1. Duties and Responsibilities
        1. Assist the Student Body President in the execution of his or her duties.
        2. Fulfill the duties of the Student Body President in the absence of the Student Body President.
        3. In concert with the Student Body President, plan and conduct the Fall and Winter Student Congress Work Retreats.
          1. These work retreats are made possible through student money, and therefore the work retreats shall be not only fun, but also include work that benefits the student body.
        4. Advise the Oakland University Student Congress Legislature.
        5. Chair General Body Meetings.
      2. Enumerated Powers
        1. In the absence of the Steering Chair, the Student Body Vice President may call a meeting of the University Student Congress Legislature with forty-eight (48) hours’ public notice.
        2. May hold bi-weekly personal meetings with all Executive Branch members, appointed agents, and members of the Legislature.
        3. May approve, together with the Judiciary Chair, members to electronically call into General Body Meetings and count toward Quorum.


  1. Administrative Assistant
    1. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Ensure agendas and approved meeting minutes of the University Student Congress General Body Meetings are made publicly available online and distributed to the Congress via email.
      2. Create and maintain a meeting materials distribution list for those who would like to receive meeting materials before an OUSC meeting.
      3. Compile and distribute agendas and meeting materials to all members of the University Student Congress,
      4. Create, regularly update, and distribute a contact list of OUSC members.
      5. Assemble the Elections Commission and assemble the Validations Committee.
      6. Ensure that office supplies are ordered on a timely basis and are readily available for OUSC members.
      7. Assist with typing of and distributing documents for members of the University Student Congress as necessary.
      8. Ensure that the office is kept clean and orderly.
      9. Assist in the compilation of official records as outlined elsewhere in these Bylaws.
      10. Provide a means for which Congress members who are approved by the Judiciary Chair and Student Body Vice President to call into meetings electronically can participate in general body meetings.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. May move to submit amendments to the guidelines of the Elections Commission and/or Elections Bylaws to the University Student Congress Legislature.


  1. Financial Affairs Director
    1. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. In conjunction with the Student Body President, must prepare, compile, and publish budgets for the University Student Congress.
      2. Submit monthly financial reports to the University Student Congress, detailing in writing all expenses and deductions to the budget made during the current semester up to the report date.
      3. Assist OUSC members with submitting and placing approved orders for the University Student Congress.
      4. The Financial Affairs director or their designee shall serve as the representative of the University Student Congress on the Student Activities Fund Assessment Committee.
      5. Maintain an organized electronic record of invoices, purchases, and their effect on the OUSC budget.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. Maintain all University Student Congress accounts.
      2. May tentatively deny purchases and refer them to the Student Body President or his/her designee.
    3. Student Activities Funding Board Chair
      1. Duties and Responsibilities
        1. Chair the Student Activities Funding Board.
        2. Responsible for the actions of the Student Activities Funding Board.
        3. Must follow the Student Activities Funding Board Guidelines as approved by OUSC.
      2. Enumerated Powers
        1. May move to submit amendments to the guidelines of the Student Activities Funding Board to the University Student Congress Legislature.
      3. Student Services Director
        1. Duties and Responsibilities
          1. Chair the Student Services Committee as a non-voting member.
          2. Responsible for the actions of the Student Services Committee.
          3. Serves as a liaison to the Gender and Sexuality Center.
          4. Be proactive in monitoring services and initiatives provided to students by the Oakland University administration and the University Student Congress.
        2. Enumerated Powers
          1. May move to submit amendments to the guidelines of the Student Services Committee to the University Student Congress Legislature.
        3. Legislative Affairs Director
          1. Duties and Responsibilities
            1. Chair the Legislative Affairs Committee.
            2. Responsible for the actions of the Legislative Affairs Committee.
            3. Coordinate the Student Association of Michigan (SAM) delegation, or other state or national organization, for Oakland University.
            4. Implement voter registration
              1. Must submit all voter registrations received prior to the close of registration deadline to the applicable county clerk’s office or applicable municipal clerk’s office, which is thirty (30) days prior to a consolidated, primary, or general election.
            5. Maintain student ties with the University’s Government and Community Relations Office.
            6. Promote government relations initiatives and lobbying efforts to the student body.
            7. Establish and maintain contact with local, state, and federal government representatives.
            8. Distribute information on requested issues and policy.
          2. Enumerated Powers
            1. May move to submit amendments to the guidelines of the Legislative Affairs Committee to the University Student Congress Legislature.
            2. May determine when OUSC will stop collecting voter registrations prior to a particular consolidated, primary, or general election subject to approval by the Student Body President.
          3. Marketing Director
            1. Duties and Responsibilities
              1. Responsible for the creation and placement of orders of promotional content for University Student Congress.
              2. Implement promotions of the University Student Congress and its committees.
              3. Advise the Student Body President and Financial Affairs Director on the usage and purchase of promotions equipment.
              4. Fulfill the duties of the Visual Communications Director in the absence of Visual Communications Director.
              5. Responsible for overseeing advertisement for any co-sponsored events and initiatives with outside student organizations or club sports.
            2. Enumerated Powers
              1. May establish and chair a Marketing committee.
              2. May establish and enforce deadlines and other criteria related to the creation and ordering of marketing material and content subject to approval by the Student Body President.


  1. Diversity and Inclusion Director
    1. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion committee.
      2. Responsible for the actions of the Diversity and Inclusion committee.
      3. Coordinate and run events that are specific to advancing students understanding and appreciation of world cultures.
      4. Chair of the Student Steering Sub-Committee for the Oakland University and City of Pontiac Partnership if applicable.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. May move to submit amendments to the guidelines of the Diversity and Inclusion to the University Student Congress Legislature.
  • Appointed Agents
    1. Common Ground
      1. These posts are appointed by the Student Body President and subject to approval by the University Student Congress Legislature.
      2. Additional tasks may be assigned to these agents by the University Student Congress.
      3. Additional appointed agent positions may be created by amendment to these Bylaws.
      4. Appointed Agents must follow all rules and guidelines listed in Article II. Executive Branch, Section A. Requirements of Branch Members, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.


  1. Visual Communications Director
    1. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Responsible for the creation and design of any promotional content for University Student Congress and its committees.
      2. Assist University Student Congress in designing or implementing visual solutions through the use of signs, typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration, color and or electronic resources.
      3. Advise University Student Congress on the usage and purchase of computer equipment.
      4. Maintain the University Student Congress website.
      5. Establish and maintain the University Student Congress computer network
      6. Assist and train users how to effectively use the computer network.
      7. In coordination with the Administrative Assistant and Congressional Archivist, ensure that these Bylaws are updated with each Bylaws amendment that is passed by the Congress.
      8. Responsible for posting updated Bylaws to the Oakland University Student Congress website in conjunction with the Administrative Assistant and Congressional Archivist.
      9. Fulfill the duties of the Marketing Director in the absence of the Marketing Director.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. May establish and chair a Visual Communications committee.
      2. May establish and enforce deadlines and other criteria related to the creation of graphics subject to approval by the Student Body President.


  1. Campus Health Director
    1. Duties and Responsibilities.
      1. Responsible for the actions of the Campus Health Committee (CHC).
      2. Coordinate and run events and initiatives that are specific to advancing environmental sustainability and overall personal health and wellness or the student education and understanding thereof.
      3. Maintain any applicable on-campus recycling managed by the EHWC.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. May establish and chair a Campus Health Committee.
      2. May move to submit edits to the guidelines of the Campus Health Committee to the Student Congress Legislature
    3. Legislative Branch


  1. Requirements and Responsibilities of Legislative Branch members
    1. Represent students at all levels, including, but not limited to:
      1. University Student Congress
      2. University Senate and its committees or other University-wide Committees.
    2. Research and investigate issues that affect the student body.
    3. Propose solutions to student issues.
    4. Have membership in at least one University-wide committee, the University Senate, or a University Senate Committee.
    5. Maintain office hours in the Oakland University Student Congress office during all academic semesters.
      1. Fall and winters semesters, minimum, one (1) hour per week
      2. Summer semesters, minimum, one (1) hour per month
    6. Attend all meetings of the University Student Congress Legislature
      1. Absences and tardiness due to familial, medical, other unforeseeable circumstances, or the execution of Congressional duties shall be deemed excused by the Judiciary Chair.
        1. Documentation for an excused absence must be submitted to the Judiciary Committee within seven (7) days of the absence for it to be considered excused if requested by the Judiciary Chair.
      2. Members of the Oakland University Student Congress that do not have a permanent residence in Oakland, Macomb, or Wayne County; or demonstrate lack of ability to find adequate transportation during the summer semesters, may have the option to call in to meetings electronically during the semesters of Summer one (1) and Summer two (2), subject to the approval of the Student Body Vice President and the Judiciary Chair.
        1. Congress Members must submit a request to call into meetings to the Judiciary Chair and Student Body Vice President at least one (1) week prior to the meeting into which they are requesting to call.
        2. Legislators that call into meetings in this way have the power to vote in the same capacity that legislators who are physically at the meeting are able to, and shall be counted toward quorum.
      3. All Legislators will dress appropriately for meetings
        1. Appropriate dress does not include:


  1. Sweat pants, shorts, tank tops, crop tops, or t-shirts that are not affiliated with Oakland University Student Congress or Registered Oakland University Clubs or Organizations that do not contradict these Bylaws


  1. Clothing endorsing a specific political candidate or political party


  • Graphic shirts of any style


  1. Flip-flops


  1. Any clothes that reveal undergarments


  1. Clothing with tears


  • Clothing with violence, nudity, hate speech, or profanity


  1. Enumerated Powers of the Legislative Branch
    1. To refer items of business to an appropriate committee provided:
      1. The Legislature clearly states the charge.
      2. The Legislature establishes a reasonable time frame for the committee to submit its reports and / or complete the requested action.
    2. To create ad-hoc committees in response to campus issues or events


  1. Requirements for Prospective Legislators to Be Appointed as Legislators in Lieu of Winning an Election:
    1. Submit an application with 50 valid signatures from the Oakland University Student Body.
    2. Submit a minimum one (1) page double spaced essay addressing the following:
      1. Why you want to be a legislator
      2. Your qualifications to be a legislator
      3. Initiatives or events you will implement as a legislator
    3. Attend three (3) regularly scheduled General Body Meetings during the current administration.
    4. Complete four (4) hours work in the Oakland University Student Congress functions/office that cannot include regularly scheduled OUSC meetings, during the current administration.
    5. The prospective Legislator shall set up a meeting with the Research and Review Chair to review application and discuss Legislator requirements.
      1. Once minimum requirements are met, the Prospective Legislator shall be put up for review by the University Student Congress at the next regular scheduled University Student Congress meeting.
    6. Requirements for Incumbent Prospective Legislators to Be Appointed as Legislators In Lieu of Winning an Election
      1. An Incumbent Prospective Legislator shall be understood to be a former Legislator, Executive Board member, appointed agent, and / or representative as outlined in the OUSC Constitution Article III. Legislative Branch, Section A. Composition, Item. 1. whom was not elected in the most recent general body election.
      2. An Incumbent Prospective Legislator must:
        1. Submit an application with 50 valid signatures from the Student Body of Oakland University.
        2. Attend one (1) regularly scheduled meeting during the current administration.
        3. Complete four (4) hours work in the Oakland University Student Congress functions/office that cannot include regularly scheduled OUSC meetings, during the current administration.
        4. The application process shall not pertain to Legislators who have been removed from the Legislature.
        5. Submit a minimum one (1) page double spaced essay addressing the following:
          1. Why you want to be a Legislator
          2. Your qualifications to be a Legislator
  • Initiatives or events you will implement as a Legislator
  1. Appointment of Legislative Positions and Committee Chairs
    1. The Student Body President shall present the nomination of Legislative positions and committee chairs.
    2. Approval shall consist of a vote and require a simple majority.
  2. Senior Legislator
    1. The Legislature may elect from their membership up to two (2) Senior Legislators.
    2. The Senior Legislator(s) shall serve as the Liaison between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch of OUSC.
    3. They shall sit in on one (1) executive board meeting a month, at a date selected by the Senior Legislator(s) and the President to discuss Legislative progress, concerns, needs, initiatives, or other relevant topics.
    4. They shall provide guidance for the chairs of all committees of the University Student Congress in order to ensure that organization with each committee.
    5. They shall conduct bi-monthly meetings with the members of the Legislative Branch, except during summer months as outlined in these Bylaws.
    6. They shall conduct bi-weekly meetings with the Student Body Vice President
    7. If there are more than two (2) Legislators that are nominated to fill the position of Senior Legislator, the candidates shall be voted on via a ballot vote of the Legislature, conducted by the Chair. The two (2) candidates who receive the most votes shall fill the position.
    8. The Legislature may remove any Senior Legislator who is unfit to fulfill the position of Senior Legislator, subject to Judicial Branch rules and regulations.


  1. Parliamentarian
    1. The Legislative Body may elect a Parliamentarian to assist the Chair in interpreting Robert’s Rules of Order in General Body Meetings.
    2. The Parliamentarian shall share the responsibility of maintaining parliamentary procedure along with the Robert’s Rules of Order during General Body Meetings.
    3. The Parliamentarian shall not have the power to direct, lead, or chair General Body Meetings.


  1. University Senate


  1. Student Delegation to the University Senate
    1. The number of seats reserved for students on the University Senate is set by the University Senate Constitution.
    2. Members of the University Senate are identified as Senators.
    3. The Student Body President shall appoint Student Senators.
  2. Senatorial Appointments
    1. Appointments pertaining to the Student Delegation specified in this article are subject to the approval of the University Student Congress.
    2. Senatorial appointments are to be made by:
      1. The Student Body President or their designated agent
      2. Other Senatorial appointments may be made, subject to the jurisdiction of the University Student Congress, and are subject to the following constraints:
        1. The availability of the Senatorial post must be made public.
        2. The selection process must be open to all members of the student body.
  • A reasonable amount of time must be provided for interested students to apply.
  1. All candidates must apply in writing.
  2. All qualified candidates must be reviewed by the University Student Congress Legislature.
  3. Final approval of applicants rests with the University Student Congress Legislature.
  1. Duties and Responsibilities of Student Senators
    1. Attend meetings of the University Senate subject to the following attendance policy:
      1. Each Senator is allowed one (1) excused absence per semester.
    2. Represent the interests of the student body to the University Senate.
    3. Submit a copy of the University Senate minutes to the Administrative Assistant for compilation in official Congressional records and to the Judiciary Chair for purposes of tracking absences.


  1. Senatorial Committee Appointments
    1. Appointments to University Senate Committees that have open student positions shall be made by the Student Body President.


  1. Duties and Responsibilities of Senate and University-wide Committee Delegates
    1. Attend committee meetings subject to the following attendance policy:
      1. Each Senate Committee member is allowed one (1) excused absence per semester.
    2. Represent the interests of the University Student Congress and the student body to the committee.
    3. Submit a copy of the committee minutes to the Administrative Assistant for compilation in official Congressional records and to the Judiciary Chair for purposes of tracking absences.


  1. No student, including members of the University Student Congress, shall be monetarily compensated by the University Student Congress for membership on the University Senate or its respective committees.
  1. Committees


  1. Enumerated Powers of Committee Chairs:
    1. Maintains the authority to remove any committee member.
    2. Retains the authority to set an attendance policy for their committee.


  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB)
    1. Allocate funds from the Student Activities Fund to student organizations.
    2. Allow student organizations to appeal the decision of this board.
    3. Promote programming by student organizations that benefit the University community.
    4. Adhere to and obey the Student Activities Funding Board guidelines (see Appendix II).


  1. Guidelines of the Student Services Committee (SSC)
    1. Duties and Responsibilities of Committee Members
      1. Must attend all SSC meetings pursuant to the SSC’s attendance policy.
      2. Must vote in accordance with the policy set forth by the Student Services Director in a timely manner.
      3. Must assist in any and all events pertaining to Student Services set forth by the Student Services Director unless otherwise excused by the Student Services Director.
      4. Must adhere to duties and responsibilities set in place by the Student Services Director.
    2. Relationship of the SSC with respect to the University Student Congress
      1. The University Student Congress may:
        1. Reserve the right to review any policy adopted or action taken by the SSC.


  1. Guidelines of the Legislative Affairs Committee (LAC)
    1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee
      1. Members must attend all LAC meetings pursuant to the LAC’s attendance policy.
      2. Must submit any required progress reports to the committee and/or chair in a timely manner.
      3. Assist the Legislative Affairs Director in their duties and responsibilities.
      4. Select and research student issues for lobbying efforts.
      5. Perform and administer voter registration drives at appropriate times on behalf of the University Student Congress.
      6. General Association of Student Governments
        1. Maintain involvement and membership with any association of student government that the Legislature approves membership in, by majority vote.
        2. Send a delegation to each conference of any association of student government of which the Congress has membership, should such an association and conference exist.
      7. Relationship of the Legislative Affairs Committee with respect to the University Student Congress
        1. The University Student Congress may:
          1. Reserve the right to review any policy adopted or action taken by the LAC.


  1. Guidelines of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee
    1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee
      1. Members must attend all Diversity and Inclusion Committee meetings pursuant to the Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s attendance policy.
      2. Assist the Diversity and Inclusion Director with accomplishing initiatives and administering events focusing on the awareness and improvement diversity and inclusion for the student body.
      3. Must diligently and faithfully pursue goals set forth by the committee, its Chairperson, and/or the University Student Congress.


  1. Guidelines of the Marketing Committee (MC)
    1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee
      1. Members must attend all MC meetings pursuant to the MC’s attendance policy.
      2. Assist the Marketing Director with promoting Student Congress events and initiatives.
      3. Must diligently and faithfully pursue goals as set forth by the committee, its Chairperson, and/or the University Student Congress.


  1. Guidelines of the Steering Committee
    1. Responsibilities and Duties of the Chair
      1. Hold regular committee meetings.
    2. Responsibilities, Duties, and Limitations of the Steering Committee
      1. Members must attend all Steering Committee Meetings pursuant to the Steering Committee’s attendance policy.
      2. Assist the chair in the compilation of agendas for the University Student Congress.
      3. May not determine whether proposed business should be on an agenda if all of the following apply:
        1. The order of business does not contravene the policies of the University Student Congress as set forth in the University Student Congress Constitution, these Bylaws, or by act of the University Student Congress Legislature.


  1. Enumerated Powers
    1. To organize and formally approve the agenda for all regularly scheduled meetings of the University Student Congress Legislature.
    2. To refer any prospective agenda item that it deems in conflict the policies of the University Student Congress back to the member responsible for its introduction for revision.
    3. Call a meeting of the University Student Congress provided:
      1. That the meeting is called in compliance with the requirements set forth in the University Student Congress Constitution or these Bylaws.
      2. That at least seven members of the University Student Congress Legislative members submit a written request within the previous seven calendar days.


  1. Guidelines of the Judiciary Committee
    1. Responsibilities and Duties of the Judiciary Chair
      1. Hold regular committee meetings.
      2. Facilitate a formal meeting structure at all Committee meetings and Court hearings.
      3. Within one week of the selection of a Committee chair by the Legislature, the Judiciary Chair shall submit to the Legislature for approval an outline of the hearing guidelines the chair intends to follow for the duration of their tenure in the position.
        1. The Legislature may amend the Judiciary Chair’s hearing guidelines by a 2/3 majority vote.
      4. Maintain a continuous record of University Senate or University-wide committee assignments of all University Student Congress members and ensure members are attending committee meetings.
      5. Assign and delegate duties to members of the Judiciary Committee as necessary.
      6. Officially notify the Steering Committee Chair when a Legislator has accumulated three (3) unexcused absences in order that immediate removal shall be placed on the agenda at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Legislature.
      7. Refrain from discussing details of ongoing investigations with any persons outside the Committee or the Court.
      8. The Judiciary Chair shall be temporarily removed from their position if charges are submitted against them.
        1. At the next meeting of the committee, a new chair must be selected from amongst the current members.
        2. If the Chair is judged not-guilty they shall be reinstated to their position immediately unless an appeal of the verdict is made.
  • If the Chair is judged guilty they shall be barred from the position of Judiciary Chair and from membership on the Judiciary Committee, even if they remain a member of the University Student Congress.
  1. The Legislature shall be charged with selecting a permanent replacement for the position at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
  1. Ensure that Executive Board Members and Legislators adhere to the dress code as specified by these Bylaws
    1. Exceptions to the dress code may be handed out by the Judiciary Chair based on need
  2. Officially notify the Steering Committee Chair when an Executive Board member, Appointed Agent, or Legislator has not completed their required office hours for three (3) weeks/months within a single administration so that immediate discussion of the missed hours can be placed on the agenda at the next scheduled meeting of the Legislature.
  1. Enumerated Powers of the Judiciary Chair:
    1. Shall have tentative interpretive power over these Bylaws and the OUSC Constitution during General Body Meetings. Tentative interpretations of the OUSC Constitution and these Bylaws may be overruled by a 2/3 majority vote and / or by an appeal made to the Congressional Court.
  2. Operational Guidelines of the Judiciary Committee
    1. The Judiciary Chair may create a standing Judicial Committee of the University Student Congress.
    2. The Committee shall assist the Judiciary Chair in the completion of their duties.
    3. The Committee shall, at the beginning of each administration, prepare and present the operational guidelines for the Congressional Court that will be used during all hearings for their tenure.
    4. The Committee shall review all submitted complaints to assist the Judiciary Chair in determining validity and whether the complaint shall be taken to the Congressional Court.
    5. Members of the Judiciary Committee shall have no input into any discussion or decisions made by the Congressional Court.
  3. Composition of the Congressional Court
    1. The Court shall be created pursuant to the guidelines of the University Student Congress Constitution.
    2. The Judiciary Committee and the Court are two distinct and separate bodies of the University Student Congress.
  4. Operational Guidelines of Congressional Court
    1. The operational guidelines of Congressional Court shall be prepared and planned by the Judiciary Committee at the start of each new administration, as outlined in the University Student Congress Constitution.
    2. These guidelines must be approved by the University Student Congress Legislature prior to implementation.
  5. Impeachment of University Student Congress members
    1. Charges may be submitted by any Oakland University student, faculty, or staff against any member of the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial branches, as well as appointed agents and any members of affiliated committees.
    2. Charges must be submitted in writing to the Judiciary Chair and must cite specific violations of the University Student Congress Constitution, Bylaws, Oath of Office, Student Code of Conduct, University ordinance, applicable local ordinance, State law, or federal law.
    3. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the written charge, the Judiciary Committee will contact the accused party to either come before the Congressional Court or submit a verbal or written statement in defense.
    4. The Congressional Court shall conduct formal hearings to determine innocence or guilt. All accused persons are considered innocent until proven guilty.
    5. All hearings shall be open to the public.
  6. Sanctions
    1. A guilty verdict may result in the imposition of sanctions by the Court. The accusing and accused parties shall be notified personally in writing regarding the verdict.
    2. The Judiciary Chair shall submit a written summary of the Court’s findings, verdict, sanctions, and any further recommendations at the next meeting of the Legislature.
    3. The following sanction options are available to the Court:
      1. Verbal or written sanction
      2. Demand for monetary re-compensation (only in cases involving monetary wrongdoing with University Student Congress funds)
  • Recommendation of removal from a committee assignment, in applicable cases
  1. Recommendation of removal from the University Student Congress
  1. All imposed sanctions are immediate, barring the submission of an appeal.
  1. Appeals
    1. An appeal by either party in a case may be made in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days to the Congressional Court, which shall hear cases according to the approved Judicial Hearing Guidelines.
  2. Other Disputes
    1. The Court shall have interpretive power over the language of all bills, resolutions, rules, policies, and procedures of the University Student Congress if submitted to the Court for review.
    2. Appeals of the decisions of the Court on any issues shall be made to the Congressional Court.
    3. Direct challenges to the constitutionality of Congressional legislation, rules, policies, and procedures may not be filed with the Judiciary Committee; such challenges may only be filed with the Congressional Court.
  3. Guidelines of the Research and Review Committee (RRC)
    1. Responsibilities and Duties of the Chair
      1. Hold committee meetings as necessary.
      2. Facilitate the research efforts of University Student Congress Legislature and/or its members which request assistance in research efforts.
      3. Facilitate the research efforts of committee members and Student Senators that request assistance.
      4. Brief all Legislators, Executive Branch members, and appointed agents added to the University Student Congress in the midst of a Congressional term on their duties and responsibilities within two (2) weeks of their addition to the body.
    2. Responsibilities and Duties of the Committee
      1. Members must attend all RRC meetings pursuant to the RRC’s attendance policy.
      2. Investigate any issue submitted to it by the University Student Congress Legislature.
      3. Submit additional reports to the University Student Congress Legislature as specified by the University Student Congress Legislature.
      4. Assist the Student Body President with the selection of all student appointments to all University-wide bodies and committees.
    3. Enumerated Powers
      1. Refer any issue that it deems belonging to another committee to that committee subject to the approval of the University Student Congress Legislature.
    4. Guidelines of the Scholarship Committee
      1. Responsibilities and Duties of the Chair
        1. Members must attend all Scholarship Committee meetings pursuant to the Scholarship Committee’s attendance policy.
        2. Hold committee meetings as necessary to develop and institute scholarship programs.
        3. Ensure the integrity of the University Student Congress Scholarship Program
        4. Maintain a continuing file of business transacted at meetings of the Scholarship Committee.
        5. Submit a report to the University Student Congress Legislature by the fourth week following the distribution of award packages which contain, but not limited to:
          1. Names of award package recipients
          2. Additional feedback about the scholarship process
        6. Responsibilities and Duties of the Committee
          1. Set criteria relevant to the application procedure
          2. Ensure that the application procedure is fair to all eligible students
          3. Establish a clear timeline for operational endeavors
          4. Ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and impartially
        7. Enumerated Powers
          1. To determine the recipients of the University Student Congress Scholarship Program
          2. To issue award packages to qualified members of the student body
        8. Guidelines of the Tailgate Committee
          1. Responsibilities and Duties of the Chair
            1. Hold committee meetings as necessary to plan and organize Tailgate events
            2. Be the leader and chief contact when planning and organizing tailgate events
            3. Create a budget by the start of each semester to be approved with the President’s executive budget
            4. Request additional funds through the committee through legislation
            5. Brief the congress on planned tailgate events, and the progress being made toward the success of said events
          2. Responsibilities and Duties of the Committee Members
            1. Members must attend all Tailgate Committee meetings pursuant to the Tailgate Committee’s attendance policy
            2. Aid the chair in the planning and organizing of tailgate events as requested by the chair
            3. Staff tailgate events as deemed necessary by the chair
          3. Guidelines of the Archivist Committee
            1. Responsibilities and Duties of the Chair
              1. Hold committee meetings to archive as necessary to plan the recording of Student Congress Documents
              2. Establish a medium in which Student Congress Documents can be archived and accessed by the public
              3. Request funds for the committee and its goals when needed
              4. Establish and maintain relations with Student Congress Alumni
            2. Responsibilities and Duties of the Committee Members
              1. Members must attend all Archivist Committee meetings pursuant to the Archivist Committee’s attendance policy
              2. Aid the chair in archiving of Student Congress documents
              3. Aid the chair in events and other efforts to establish and maintain relations with Student Congress Alumni
            3. Additional (ad-hoc) Committees
              1. All committees not defined in these Bylaws or the Student Congress Constitution:
                1. Must submit Guidelines for approval to the University Student Congress Legislature within four (4) general body meetings of establishment
                2. Ad-hoc Committee guidelines may be approved in one (1) meeting of the Legislature
                3. Expire at the end of each Congressional session
              2. Vacant Committees
                1. Vacant Committees will be considered committees without a chair or members
                2. When Committees become vacant, the Student Body President shall take responsibility for that committee’s functions and its budget until the legislature appoints a new chair at their next general body meeting
  • Committees of Appointed Agents


  1. Enumerated Powers of Committee Chairs:
    1. Retains the authority to remove any committee member
    2. Retains the authority to set an attendance policy for the committee
  2. Guidelines of the Campus Health Committee (CHC)
    1. Responsibilities and Duties of Committee Members
      1. Members must attend all CHC meetings pursuant to the CHC’s attendance policy.
      2. Assist the Campus Health Director on accomplishing initiatives and administering events focusing on the awareness and improvement of environmental sustainability, health, and wellness for the Student Body.
      3. Must diligently and faithfully pursue the goals of the CHC as set forth by the committee, its Chairperson and/or the University Student Congress.
    2. Enumerated Powers
      1. Refer any issue that it deems belonging to another committee to that committee subject to the approval of the University Student Congress Legislature.
    3. Guidelines of the Visual Communications Committee (VCC)
      1. Responsibilities and Duties of Committee Members
        1. Attend all VCC meetings pursuant to the attendance policy of the VCC.
        2. Assist the chair in the creation of University Student Congress graphics and promotional materials.
  • Line of Succession


  1. “Presidential Succession in General Body Meetings” is understood to mean “the order in which one (1) specified position at a time are able to have all applicable ‘presidential powers in General Body Meetings.’” It does not determine who becomes Chair in the absence of the Student Body Vice President.
  2. Presidential Succession in General Body Meetings
    1. Student Body President
    2. Student Body Vice President
    3. Steering Chair
    4. SAFB Chair
    5. Student Services Director
    6. Legislative Affairs Director
    7. Financial Affairs Director
    8. Marketing Director
    9. Diversity and Inclusion Director
    10. Administrative Assistant
  3. Chair Succession in General Body Meetings
    1. Student Body Vice President
    2. Steering Chair
    3. Election of Temporary Chair, pursuant to the following:
      1. In the absence of the Student Body Vice President and the Steering Chair, the Legislature may elect a new Chair by majority vote to hold the position for the remainder of the General Body Meeting in which the absence occurred.
    4. Student Congress Regalia
      1. Regalia will be understood as any physical symbol of service within Student Congress that is worn along with at student’s cap and gown during their Graduation Ceremony
      2. Members of Student Congress that have at least one semester of continuous service are authorized to wear Student Congress Regalia during their respective graduation.
      3. The term ‘Member’ includes the Executive Board, Legislators, Judiciary Committee, and Members of SAFB’s Executive Board.
      4. Congressional members that do not meet the requirement of ‘one semester continuous service’ can petition the Student Body President for a waiver of this requirement. In the event the member’s service is noteworthy, the President may grant a waiver that must be approved by the majority vote of the Legislators. If the Student Body President grants the waiver and the Legislature approves the waiver, the member is authorized to wear Student Congress Regalia during their respective graduation.


  1. Ratification


  1. These Bylaws shall take effect upon ratification by the Oakland University Board of Trustees of the University Student Congress Constitution created by the 2014-2015 Constitutional Commission.