Monday, June 12, 2017
10:30 a.m. Registration – 11 a.m. Lunch – 12:30 p.m. Shotgun start
Join fellow alumni and friends for a round of golf on the R & S Sharf or Katke-Cousins golf course. Participants who register on or before May 15 will receive the early-bird rate of $175 per player. Price is $200 after May 15. Registration deadline for all golfers is June 5. Cost includes 18 holes and cart, buffet lunch, afterglow reception and player gift.
Proceeds support the OUAA Scholarship Program. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Visit to register. For more information, please contact Sue MacDonell at
Oakland University's alumni engagement team wins bronze
Play ball! Oakland University visits the Detroit Tigers during spring training
Final bow. Oakland Symphony Orchestra's final concert of the season
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