OU student Eli D'Souza uses the newly created Time Management Tool. |
Oakland University has launched a new tool to help students balance the demands of college life. Accessible on the Academic Success Center (ASC) web section, the Time Management Tool empowers students to understand how they are using their time and make adjustments to optimize productivity.
“The tool was created as a visual for students to recognize the demands on their time,” said ASC Director Deborah Cash. “It's important that they understand the value of planning study time and being prepared for competing responsibilities.”
The tool allows users to track the number of hours they devote to class time, studying, work, hobbies/social activities, student involvement/community service and technology/social media/streaming. Sleep and commute times are also included so that students get a full picture of how they are using the 168 total hours in a week.
Additionally, the tool displays a donut chart showing time allocation and advises students to make adjustments as needed to achieve a positive and sustainable work/life balance. It also offers tips on how to effectively organize time and overcome obstacles like procrastination.
Eli D’Souza, a junior double majoring in electrical and computer engineering, believes the tool can help students organize their week and be more mindful of how schedule changes can impact time management.
“Right now I’m thinking about joining a new club,” he said, “so I can see myself using (the tool) to say ‘Okay, if I do this, how many hours is that going to take out of my week and what am I going to have to cut back on to balance out my schedule?' Or if I decide to do a co-op for 20 hours a week, I would need to figure out where those hours are going to come from, because there’s only so many hours in a week.”
The ASC plans to incorporate the tool in Academic Support Appointments, one-on-one sessions in which professional staff help students develop skills and strategies to succeed throughout college.
“Our staff relies on resources to help students with time management, planning for study and organization,” Cash said. “With this tool, we can help students realize the need for planning ahead and using their Google Calendar or other apps for organization.”
The ASC offers a wide range of services, including peer tutoring, study groups, Supplemental Instruction and online resources. For more information, call (248) 370-4215, email asc@oakland.edu or visit oakland.edu/asc.