BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
BIO Learning Lounge (Credit: Kathie Lesich)
Embracing the slogan “Discover. Engage. Belong.,” a new space has been unveiled on campus to help students succeed in their biology courses. Located in 166 Dodge Hall, the BIO Learning Lounge is open to any student taking a course offered by the Department of Biological Sciences.
Dr. Gerard Madlambayan, the chair of the Department of Biological Sciences, emphasizes that “the Lounge is available to all students on campus, regardless of major.”
The faculty director of the Lounge, Dr. Jonathan Yates, said one of the driving forces for its creation was the OU Gateways to Completion (OUG2C) project conducted in partnership with the John N. Gardener Institute.
A “gateway” course is required for students to progress in their major/minor program, and is often a student’s first exposure to the field. Because they build foundational skills such as critical thinking, gateway courses greatly impact student learning and success in their college experience.
Two faculty members from the biology department, Dr. Sarah Hosch and Dr. Yates, participated in the OUG2C project and undertook a redesign of OU’s BIO 1200 course.
“BIO 1200 is a classic ‘gateway’ course as many majors across campus require the successful completion of this course,” Dr. Yates said. “Our course redesign indicated a strong connection between student success in BIO 1200 and providing additional mentoring outside of class in a focused and supportive environment. This effect was most pronounced in traditionally underrepresented student populations (URMs).”
As Dr. Hosch, who is also the faculty director for OUs Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, points out, “Current research in the field of teaching and learning indicates that a student’s sense of belonging is critical for their personal growth, academic success and persistence in college.”
The BIO Learning Lounge is staffed by a graduate assistant and four undergraduate peer mentors to answer questions, help students develop study habits and deepen their understanding of biology, from introductory to higher-level concepts.
“In all honesty, I wish that I had the Lounge during my four years of undergrad here at OU. This space will not only provide students the chance to work with our mentors, but it will give them a “home” on campus,” said Isabella Limbert, graduate assistant for the Lounge. “Going to college is not just about coursework, it's also about making friends and finding your path.”
“While the primary focus of the Lounge is academic, we hope to create a social space where students want to come by, meet with peer mentors, hold study groups, and connect with one another in a safe and welcoming environment,” Dr. Yates shared.
For fall semester, the BIO Learning Lounge will be open Monday through Thursday, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Fridays have been designated “Faculty Fridays” and biology faculty are being encouraged to utilize the space during the term on Fridays to schedule activities such as office hours or exam review sessions.
Students who visit the Lounge will have access to academic materials such as textbooks, computers and online resources. The recently renovated space also includes a flat screen monitor to support virtual mentoring and general office supplies.
Lounge staff will post a weekly schedule of times that academic peer mentors are available during the week. Mentors will also be encouraged to schedule appointments with specific students as requested.
The BIO Learning Lounge is a complement to the strong resources OU offers students, including the Academic Success Center. Highlighting the value of campus collaborations, Dr. Madlambayan adds, “We have received campus-wide support of the Lounge, indicating the importance of this initiative. The Office of Academic Affairs, as well as the deans of the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Nursing and School of Health Sciences are all committed to providing students with the resources to achieve their educational and career goals.”
For more information, email, call (248) 370-2667 or visit