OUWB Class of 2020

May 12, 2020


OUWB Class of 2020,

This year is an indelible chapter in the story of your lives, and a time when all of us share a profound appreciation for those who have dedicated their lives to medicine and healing.

For many of us living through the challenges and stress from the coronavirus pandemic, these days mark a reflective point to consider what is truly important, and how we can dedicate our lives to serving people and making our world a better place.

If the past several months has taught us anything, it is that there are challenges you can plan for, and some you cannot. The key, it seems, is to keep open your hearts and minds because you never truly know where the road to the future leads, and you always need to be prepared to embrace a new challenge.

And, there are plenty ahead.

Each of you, I know, has thought deeply about your path to becoming a medical doctor. So now, I think you should hear the unvarnished truth: No other field is more demanding with higher risk and stress, yet no other field is more personally fulfilling with opportunities to make an immediate and lasting impact on the people and communities you will serve.

As you take time to celebrate and recognize your great personal and academic achievement, you will find this moment is defined by two qualities that will accompany you on your life’s journey – gratitude and altruism.

By now, you have learned that life is a team sport. None of us succeed in life without the support, guidance and love of mentors, friends, and most of all, family. Cherish this moment. Remember this feeling. This is not just an individual accomplishment, but truly a team success. Embrace your team – friends, colleagues, teachers, family. Return their love and support by loving and supporting them.

In the medical community, altruism is a central tenet at the core of our mission that focuses on the transformative power of kindness, caring and healing. These are the qualities that bind all of us who pursue a life in medicine and public service, and as physicians, these are the defining traits that reflect your passion to make a positive difference in the world.

So, as graduates. go forth with the OUWB values in your mind and heart: Be compassion and serve with dignity and empathy in all your endeavors; seek partnerships, collaboration and teamwork; be an innovator and seek answers; conduct yourself honestly and ethically; and, last, always seek excellence in your professional and personal life.

We are so very proud of all of you and know you will carry on the proud OUWB tradition. Congratulations to the Oakland University William Beaumont class of 2020.

Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D.

Oakland University, President