International Peace Day Concert

September 20, 2020


BACKGROUND: Established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, the International Day of Peace provides a “globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.” Celebrate Peace Day at Oakland University with Mark Stone, Associate Professor of World Music and Percussion, as he shares a program featuring original compositions for the newly-invented Array Mbira, an American-made 120 key lamellaphone. The 2020 theme for the International Day of Peace is “Shaping Peace Together.

  • I am so pleased to be with you to honor International Peace Day, and to
    introduce the first concert on campus since the March shut down.

  • Thank you to Dean Kevin Corcoran, Amy Tully and the School of Music,
    Theatre and Dance for coordinating this important observance.

  • And thank you to Professor Mark Stone for arranging a program of globally-
    inspired percussion pieces that inspire us to think more broadly about the
    musical connections among world cultures.

  • One of my greatest pleasures as president is to attend concerts, plays and
    events on campus. Like all of you, I value the shared sense of purpose and
    vital connection I feel from being a part of the OU community.

  • At this coming together of International Peace Day, entitled “Shaping Peace
    Together,” let’s take a moment to share a hopeful intention for the day to
    arrive when the pandemic will be under control, and we will once again be
    together in classrooms, auditoriums, theaters and other venues.

  • There is so much in today’s observance of the International Day of Peace
    that aligns with our values at Oakland University.

  • We take great pride in being an open, accepting campus that celebrates
    diversity, equity and inclusivity – a campus that strives to be respectful to
    all, a campus where students, faculty and staff reflect the values of
    integrity, honesty, and the pursuit of knowledge and the truth.

  • The International Day of Peace is a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of
    peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. One day of
    non-violence is the goal. One day….What does that say about the need for
    each of us to address the ongoing violence and exploitation that troubles our

  • Today, we face a common enemy in COVID-19. As we are seeing in this country
    and around the world, it’s a battle that must be addressed openly and
    collaboratively based on science and sound public health policies, not self-
    aggrandizing politics.

  • As each of us wears a mask and maintain our “social distance,” we must be
    careful to become emotionally distant with each other. Our strength is
    remaining together as a community, and remaining aware, educated and
    engaged about the issues shaping our world – issues relating to human rights,
    climate change, the need for civility in our political discourse, and the need for
    more compassion.

  • As we listen and appreciate Mark’s original compositions, let’s be reminded
    of the influence of global music on the minds and voices of people around
    the world working to “shape peace together” ….

  • And on International Peace Day, let’s all stand together for peace and a
    better future.

  • Thank you.