December 5, 2020

  • Congratulations graduates…

  •  You know at commencement ceremonies, I always look forward to seeing the unique faces of the graduates.

  •  I always appreciate that look of achievement, purpose, and, yes, relief.

  •  Today, we meet virtually because these are not ordinary times, but you – all of you, who have shown great perseverance and pride – are no ordinary graduates.

  •  You succeeded during what will be recorded as one of the most difficult social and economic periods in our history.

  •  I wish I could see each and every one of your faces.

    • I wish I could shake your hands.

    • I also miss seeing the expressions on the faces of your friends, family members and parents, many of them who also share in your sense of achievement, and yes, relief.

< Transition >

  • Years and months ago, when we all thought of this moment, we figured we would be crowded into the O’rena in a very un-socially distanced way, surrounded by other graduates as they took their assigned place in a sea of black and gold.

  • But life is filled with unexpected moments.

    • And the change of venue does not diminish this day – your day – when we come together to celebrate your great accomplishment.
  • On this day, make sure you take many photos. The images will last a lifetime.

    • And so, too, will the building blocks of a lifetime of learning.

< Transition >

  •  Every commencement ceremony should be a moment of idealism and optimism.

  •  Today is no different.

  •  All of us here at Oakland University, from the staff to administrators to the faculty, believe in you, and know you are up to the challenge of what lies ahead.

  •  If you are like me, then you should look at these past nine months as delivering a resounding lesson.

    • What is that lesson?

    • Look around.

    • The lesson is clear: Never take life, your health, your family, your friends and the moment of opportunity for granted.

  •  What you will do with your degree in hand will be essential as you find your way through life.

    • And as you travel along your path, remember: How you deal with the unexpected says as much or more about you than how you react to the predictable and mundane.

  • I’d also like to consider the challenges we face in these times of pandemic. Ask yourself:

    • How can I do my part to help? Perhaps it’s someone you love, and perhaps it’s someone you don’t know.

  •  And today, take a moment to think of yourselves as capable of doing the extraordinary.

  • Generations that have gone before you have also been defined by challenging times.

    • Some by war.

    • Some by economic depression.

    • Some by the struggle for Civil Rights and human dignity.

  • Each generation has a defining moment where they have risen to the challenge.

    • Your time is now

    • And I know you will succeed
  • Remember your perseverance and dedication during these difficult days has been an inspiration to many of us.

  • And today, you become part of a proud tradition – the OU tradition.

  • Congratulations…. We are so proud of you.