Masking, social-distancing requirements lifted for fully vaccinated Grizzlies

June 22, 2021

Focus on acting responsibly, preparing for normalcy in fall

Dear OU Students, Faculty and Staff:

I am excited about our return to normalcy and a pre-pandemic atmosphere on campus. Our confidence in the future is reflected in the back-to-campus guidelines, “Grizzlies Together Again.”

Students, faculty and staff who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to wear a mask or “physical distance” while indoors or outdoors on campus. These measures are the result of a rigorous consideration of the steadily declining rate of COVID-19 cases, an increase in the number of people fully vaccinated and the positive direction toward community immunity.

These actions align with the state’s lifting of mask mandates, restrictions on gathering size along with limits on the number of people who can be in a restaurant, store or other venues, which went into effect today (June 22).

For “Grizzlies Together Again” details, please visit:

Vaccinations strongly encouraged

As an institution of higher learning, we believe it is our obligation to act in accordance with the best health interests of our community. That is our rationale for strongly encouraging vaccinations for students, faculty and staff.

We request that each member of the OU community be accountable to one other by certifying their status on the electronic daily health assessment form before coming to campus.

Students, faculty and staff should upload their vaccination record through the secure Graham Health Center portal. The information is confidential, and will not be shared. Volunteering vaccination status helps to estimate the inoculation percentage on campus.

Students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated at no charge at the Graham Health Center. Keep in mind that it takes 5-6 weeks from the date of the first shot to be fully vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated should wear a mask, maintain the proper physical distance from others, monitor COVID- 19 related symptoms and get tested. There is no cost for testing at the Graham Health Center.

We will continue to mandate that students living on campus must be fully vaccinated prior to move-in, and will require proof of vaccination.

Courses and classroom instruction

The schedule of classes designates the current course delivery methods, which are similar to those that were in place prior to the pandemic (Fall 2019).

Faculty will not ask students about their vaccination status. Students are expected to respond honestly on the electronic daily health assessment form, which holds them accountable to the honor system.

If a student cannot return to in-person learning, he/she should consult with the appropriate advisor or advising office. Students with a disability may contact the Office of Disability Support Services to discuss if they qualify for an accommodation.

Employees back to campus on August 2. Flex-time available. August 2 is the official date for employees to return to campus. Employees should coordinate with supervisors on the appropriate return date.

Employees who need a flexible-work schedule because of childcare, eldercare or other pressing considerations should discuss an accommodating schedule with their supervisor.

In order to help with a smooth assimilation to campus, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs and Human Resources will provide a range of support services. Details of these services are at

Our highest priority is the health and safety of the Oakland University community. With this in mind, we pledge to continuously monitor state and federal guidelines, any potential public health threat to our campus, and respond promptly with appropriate measures.

I can’t wait to see you on campus.

Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, President

Oakland University