August 20, 2021

  • On behalf of the faculty, administration, staff and board of trustees…. Welcome to Oakland University.
  • I want you to take a moment to look around, and remember this moment because today, your journey begins.

  • We, at Oakland University, feel so fortunate that you have chosen to be here and to join our community.

  • We welcome you with open arms, open hearts, and a promise: We are here for you.
  • Not just today, but tomorrow…and, every day until graduation…and beyond.

  • You are such a special class.

  • Not only have you committed to continuing your formal education, you have persevered a-year-and-a- half of living amid the many challenges of the pandemic.

  • And you have survived.

  • You’ve thrived.

  • Believe me, your perseverance will pay off because of what lies ahead of you on your college adventure.

  • Your journey at Oakland will be exciting and challenging, frustrating and, at times anxiety-filled.

  • It will be rewarding, inspiring. . . and one of the most important experiences of your life.

  • Reaching your potential and discovering your path isn’t a journey you take alone.
    • You’ll need the support of family and friends.

    • You’ll need supportive colleagues.

    • You’ll need mentors.

    • You’ll need challenging experiences that push you beyond where you think you can go.
    • And, you’ll need time to regroup, reflect, learn and grow.

  • At the end of the day, it’s not necessarily the challenge that defines the person, but the character of the person that defines the challenge.

  • As someone who has been in higher education for a long time, I am often asked for what is the best advice for new undergraduate students. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

    • Believe in yourself.

    • Be a good listener, which translates into being a good friend.

    • Ask questions. Be curious.

    • Know that you are not alone.

    • Don’t be afraid to try, and don’t be afraid to fail.

    • Embrace change.

    • And, remember to believe in yourself.

  • Your success is our success.
    • And, each of us at OU makes it our mission for you to succeed.
  • Welcome to Oakland University….

  • We are so proud and appreciative that you have chosen us as the place where you begin your journey.