September 2, 2021

  • Tonight, we celebrate the people whose dedication, courage and resilience are at the heart of our collective effort to improve the healthcare for all of us in the region.

  • Oakland University’s School of Nursing annual Nightingale Awards recognizes exceptional nurses in a range of clinical roles and settings.

    • But in reality, we’re not just recognizing exceptional nurses. We’re honoring exceptional people.

  • While most of us have a case of “pandemic fatigue,” the nurses we honor tonight personify the selflessness and dedication to healthcare that many times requires them to find strength and energy when most of us would be overcome by exhaustion.

  • In the past year, nurses have been applauded for their commitment in the face of a dire public health But as we know, nurses aren’t the type of people who seek attention. Rather, they are the type of people who give their attention.

  • You know, so much of success and meaning in life can be measured by whether you show up when it matters, when you stand up for what’s right, and when you pause to care for someone when others walk by.

  • Look around at the nurses and health-care workers gathered here. We are surrounded by people of character, commitment and compassion.

    • We take great pride that Oakland educates many healthcare In fact, 83% of our School of Nursing graduates remain in Michigan.

    • Our success is in-part due to our strong partnerships with the local healthcare systems.

  • As a one-time practicing physician, I learned early on that nurses often know more about a patient than physicians. Okay, maybe it’s more than often that nurses know more.
    • I had many wonderful experiences working alongside nurses, and those memories continue to inspire me.

    • Physicians asses a patient, then offer a prescription.

    • Nurses manage their care. They hold a patient’s hand. They look into a patient’s eyes and see And, their kindness and compassion are quite often a healing salve that makes all the difference in healthcare.
  • Congratulations to tonight’s Nightingale Award
    • You have our deepest appreciation…
      • For showing up when it matters…
      • Standing up for what’s right…
      • And, caring when it would be easier to walk by.
  • By thought and deed, you uphold the finest traditions of