Remembrance event 2021

September 23, 2021

Remembrance event 2021

I’d like to thank each of you for being here, and joining us in recognizing our friends whose lives and contributions as students, faculty and staff contribute to the ongoing development of the OU community.

Today, we gather at this Remembrance Event after not meeting last year, a year where the pandemic disrupted our routines, plans and many traditions and rituals.

This annual rite connects history with the present and the present with the future. And, we are so appreciative that we can be together again.

Our condolences to the families who parted with a loved one. And, on behalf of the OU community, I am deeply grateful for an opportunity to honor those who have honored us through their engagement, selflessness and generous giving.

In a few minutes, Provost Rios-Ellis will read the names of our colleagues and special friends who have passed away… but first, I’d like to offer some perspective.

Let’s remember that those who have passed remain with us because of the love, friendship and support they have given us, and to their many friends and families.

In some cultures, reciting the name of a person who has passed helps to keep alive their presence. I’d like to think that this Remembrance Event is our way to let everyone know that once a member of the Oakland University community, always a member….

Those we honor today may no longer be with us physically, but their presence will always be an essential part of the legacy we all share as members of the OU community.