Economic Summit

April 2, 2022

Opening Remarks (5 minutes)
  • Thank you, Tom, and thank you for being such a true
    leader in the community…. Your experience and
    philanthropy provide us with invaluable counsel and

  • And thank you, Teresa, for your leadership and
    passionate advocacy for Pontiac throughout the OU-
    Pontiac Initiative.

  • And, of course, thank you, Glenn, for your leadership – on
    campus and in the community – and for all that you do in
    the area of economic, community and spiritual renewal.

  • Thank you, Pastor Jones for your leadership in the
    Greater Pontiac Community Coalition. As you say, GPCC
    is “all about action.” Your activism has resonated and
    inspired so many people inside and outside of the Pontiac


  • Welcome to Oakland University…and a special OU
    welcome to Mayor Griemel and Oakland County
    Economic Development Director Louis Starks.

  • It is so wonderful to see everyone in person.

  • It’s spring… the second day of April…and I think we’re all
    feeling a spirit of optimism and renewal and unity.

  • After two years of the pandemic, I think we can all agree
    that optimism and faith and unity can take us a long

  • …and can get us through some difficult times.


  • In looking around the room, I am so encouraged about
    the future of Pontiac.

  • The challenge that we face is finding ways to translate our
    collective talents and commitment into opportunities and
    prosperity for the people and businesses of Pontiac.

  • As a community, our strength is our trust.

  • We must rely on each other for strength, a sense of
    purpose and a sense of possibility.

  • Our mission at OU is to be a trusted and engaged
    neighbor… And we are committed to working side-by-side
    with our neighbors in supporting better education and
    healthcare while working together to attract private
    investment and foster growth among our small business

  • In a few minutes, you’ll hear from Louis Starks, the
    county’s economic director, and Mayor Tim Griemel along
    with business and civic leaders.

  • I’m excited to hear their ideas for economic

  • For now, let me leave you with a few thoughts…

  • The future will be very different than the past.

    Rapid economic and cultural change will be a given.

    Efficiently adapting to change will be a necessary trait for

    And economically, the key to success will be brain power
    and creativity.

  • We stand at a watershed moment….a moment where
    innovation and collaborations will likely determine who
    succeeds and who fails.

  • In a world that is changing at a rate that seems a step
    ahead of our ability to comprehend it, we must maintain
    our strong partnership….and realize that our present and
    future are inseparably bound.

  • Optimism, faith and unity can take us a long way….


  • It’s so good to see you here at Oakland University… and I
    wish you great success at this economic summit.

  • Thank you….