Oakland Symphony Orchestra Donor Reception

April 12, 2022

  • Thank you so much for being here tonight.

  • Last year, we missed this reception event because
    of COVID, and because of the weather, we had to
    cancel an outside event.

  • We appreciate your patience…. And your

  • Those who are in the arts know all too well about

  • The arts hold up a mirror to society…

  • Art makes us feel, think, look at life from another

  • The artists’ work reflects the emotions and feelings
    that define us as individuals and our collective

  • Thank you for your appreciation and support of the
    arts, and the vital role the arts play in bringing us
    together… and, at their very best, for bringing us
    together to help heal us.

  • Tonight, I know you will be impressed with the
    quality of musicianship, which, I believe, reflects
    the quality of music education at Oakland
    University, a testament to our dedicated and talent

  • You’ll see and hear our students and faculty
    performing side by side. Students and faculty
    working together to make music is what
    distinguishes the OU Department of Music, which
    is accredited by the National Association of
    Schools of Music.

  • To provide a first-class, inspiring musical
    education for students, we are making extensive
    renovations to Varner Hall. We believe there is a
    great opportunity to attract students as we further
    develop our rehearsal and performance spaces,
    and as we create more spaces, we are certain that
    Oakland’s music reputation will be further

  • And, of course, I must emphasize that our
    excellent program is anchored by an incredibly
    talented staff, who, by the way, are also showing
    their perseverance for putting up with some of the
    inconveniences caused by the renovation

  • As each of you know, the arts are one of the pillars
    in higher education.

    • Often, the conversation about the sciences
      and business take center stage… but a truly
      engaging and inspiring university will have
      the arts at the core of the student experience.

  • At Oakland, we are committed to the arts… and
    the role artists and the arts play in our world….

  • We invite you to learn more about our plans to
    develop the arts and arts programing, and be a
    part of the OU arts community.

  • Thank you