Women's Power Breakfast, benefiting Gleaners Community Food Bank

May 3, 2022

  • Good morning, and thank you for this special
    opportunity to talk about the collective power of
    women in philanthropy at this….the Women’s Power
    Breakfast, an annual event that’s been held since

  • While this morning, some of us are in person and
    some of us are meeting virtually, I think all of us feel a
    special and close bond to each other and a deep
    connection to the mission of Gleaners Community
    Food Bank.

  • The work of Gleaners, its partners and the many
    volunteers is inspiring….

    • Each of us knows, when you have a relationship
      with Gleaners, you are privileged to act in a
      deliberate and purposeful way to improve the
      living conditions for people in southeastern
      Michigan, and beyond.

  • When considering this group of women who are
    gathering today, I am in such awe of your enormous
    passion, dedication and commitment to making a
    difference in the lives of others, regardless of where
    you have come from and the work that you do.

  • The range of the women gathered here is incredibly

  • Each of you has had an important impact in your
    respective professional fields and in your personal

  • But all of us have much more in common than our
    individual achievements.

  • We share a passion for caring about the “common
    good” and we share a belief that we have a
    responsibility for each other…and that we can and
    must make a difference in the world around us.
  • My own mother grew up in extreme starvation and
    barely had enough food to survive her childhood.

    • And, it has caused me to wonder…..what is the
      difference between those people who have more
      than enough to eat —— each and every day -
      and those who do not.

  • Have you ever really thought about what differentiates
    you from someone who really needs your help?

    • Were you born to the right parents and was that
      other person born to the ‘wrong’ parents?

    • Were you born in the right country and that
      person born in the wrong country?

    • Were you born speaking English and that person
      born speaking another language?

    • Were you born with a light skin color or dark skin

    • Were you born with good health and that person
      was born with poor health or a disability?

    • Was your family generous and kind and was that
      person born into an someone abusive family?

  • What are the underlying causes that contribute to
    hunger, poverty, and disease in America and around
    the world?

  • We often claim that the causes include a lack of
    education, economic disparities, dislocation from
    homelands, wars and other violent conditions,
    including catastrophic natural disasters and
    environmental injustice.

  • But, at the end of the day, any one of us our parents
    or our children could have been hungry or

    • ….and, although it might seem hard to imagine,
      the distance between YOU and THEM is a very
      short one.

    • For me, it is one generation.

    • Were it not for the generosity of starving
      neighbors who shared the little food they had with
      my widowed grandmother and her four little
      children (one of whom was my mother), I would
      not be here today.

  • Gene Gonya, who co-founded Gleaners in 1977,
    which, at the time was one of the first food banks in
    America, made it his life’s mission to feed the hungry.
    What began with Gleaner’s plan to solicit, store and
    distribute food has become a blueprint that has been
    followed across the country.

  • The people of Gleaners believe that the problem of
    hunger in America can be solved. The basic principle
    behind Gleaner’s is faith in the possible and a
    commitment to humanity. It’s a faith rooted in making a
    difference. And, they have developed an incredibly
    efficient and effective method to run a food bank.

  • The principles of Gleaners reflect a faith in the
    possible, and a commitment to humanity. It’s a faith
    rooted in making a difference.

  • The Gleaners principles include:

    • A belief that people are worth investing in…

    • A belief that “child” and “hunger” are two words
      that should never go together…
    • A belief that everyone benefits from a hunger-free

    • A belief that real change takes courage…

    • A belief that complex problems take collaborative

    • A belief in the dignity of every person in the

  • While these beliefs reflect a faith in the possible and a
    commitment to humanity, we must be realistic the
    status quo is not acceptable.

    • Too many people DO go hungry…

    • Too many people in need ARE ignored…

    • Too often we do not take the time to FOCUS on
      improving our communities…

  • But working together, we can DO something about
    hunger, homelessness and poverty.

  • More money must flow to those organizations on the
    frontlines of making sure people are fed, and do not go

  • While addressing these underlying causes can be
    complex, there is another path to deal directly with the
    injustice of poverty and hunger in the communities
    around us.

  • And that is simply by making “feeding the hungry” a
    priority….just like it is the priority at Gleaners.

  • We must realize that our leadership, actions, words
    and philanthropy can inspire people to give whatever
    they can to benefit those who are hungry, and who,
    often, are unaware of when their next meal may come.

  • We don’t have to look far for our inspiration.

    < P A U S E >

  • You are my inspiration.

  • Our leadership is needed so we can raise awareness
    and money to support nonprofit organizations that are
    working tirelessly to address the myriad needs of
    those in need…..

  • …organizations like Gleaners, which has built the
    model of collaboration connecting with more than
    550 partners in feeding families in Detroit and the
    surrounding area.

    < P A U S E >

  • Imagine what will be accomplished when we act
    collectively in our philanthropic efforts.

  • Around the world, women philanthropists are leading
    in big and bold ways.

  • The headlines focus on extraordinary contributions of
    philanthropists like Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey,
    Mackenzie Scott, and Laurene Powell Jobs.

  • Great wealth certainly makes a big impact.

  • But the beginning of becoming a philanthropist who is
    determined to make a difference comes with imagining
    a more just world.
  • And, it doesn’t start with those who have GREAT
    wealth….it starts with YOU!

  • Those of us who are engaged in philanthropic causes
    and campaigns know that effective philanthropy is not
    what you give but the way in which you give.

  • Each of us must be a catalyst and influencer.

  • There is wisdom in the simple, often-repeated phrase:

    • Be the change you want to see in the world.

  • Your philanthropy is an investment that will give you
    joy by knowing the difference you make in the world.

  • When you find your joy in philanthropy, an amazing
    thing happens: You discover that it deepens your
    soul…. and your humanity.

    < P A U S E >
  • Today’s Gleaner’s Women’s Power Breakfast….
    comes with a challenge that may not be so subtle.

  • If each of us is indeed a woman with power, then the
    question is: What are we going to do with ALL THAT

    • If you believe people are worth investing in…

    • If you believe change takes courage…

    • If you believe complex problems take
      collaborative solutions…

    • and if you believe in the dignity of every person
      in the community…then the answer is obvious.

  • Your philanthropy is an extension of your values….

  • And the best measure of your power and our collective
    power is what you do with it!

  • I challenge each and every one of you to use your
    power to make someone else’s world better. When
    you do, your world will be better too!

  • Thank you.