Alumni Night of Excellence

June 18, 2022

  •  Thank you, Erin….

  • And thank you to our advancement team led by Mike

  • Our team does a great job in keeping connected to the
    career trajectories of our alumni.

  • Thank you for being here at the Alumni Night of
    Excellence. I am so please to see so many alumni in
    person and on campus.

  • Our more than 130,000 alumni are not only the backbone
    of the Michigan economy, but they are making a positive
    Alumni Night of Excellence2
    difference in their professions and communities around
    the country.

  • Our graduates have proven themselves in a range of
    professions with their achievements in business,
    engineering, nursing, medicine, healthcare, education, the
    natural sciences, community service, and other fields.

  • My deep appreciation to the Oakland University Alumni
    Association for your tireless work to reach across
    Michigan and the country to connect OU graduates to our
    ever-growing OU community.

  • Thank you for your passion, support and proudly
    representing Oakland University.

    < P A U S E >

  • At no other event is the upward trajectory of Oakland
    University as apparent and compelling as the Alumni
    Night of Excellence.

  • Shortly, you will hear how tonight’s honorees have made
    their mark, and collectively, represent the finest examples
    of dedication, hard work, and selflessness.

  • Tonight’s honorees also share a history: They began their
    career journeys when they graduated from Oakland
    University….where our talented faculty helped shape and
    cultivate their potential.

  • It’s been about 27 months since the onset of the
    pandemic, which required nothing less than reinventing
    how we deliver courses, campus life and the
    administration of the university.
    Alumni Night of Excellence4

  • While our daily focus has been on providing the healthiest
    and safest campus possible, we have continued to push
    ahead…in making sure Oakland is a dynamic learning

  • I’d like to take a few moments to present a snapshot of
    developments that are positioning Oakland University as
    “the university of choice.”

  • There are exciting visible and conceptual transformations
    occurring that I think will make you quite proud…

    • Construction has begun on South Foundation Hall, a
      place where nearly all students attend class….

    • Classrooms and rehearsal space are being added to
      Varner Hall

    • A contemporary Welcome Center in the expanded
      Wilson Hall will be ready this fall to greet new and
      returning students

    • A state-of-the art Welcome Center is also planned to
      complement Meadow Brook Hall, one of the
      country’s cultural jewels.

    • A new façade and renovated interior at O’Dowd Hall
      will make the OUWB Medical School a distinctive
      campus landmark

    • Final improvements are underway at the engineering
      research building, where our talented faculty will
      collaborate with a range of industries in seeking
      breakthrough innovations…

    • And with the purchase of an expansive 140,000-
      square-foot west-campus building site that’s partly in
      Pontiac and partly in Auburn Hills, we are in position
      to build on our reputation as a talent pipeline for the
      region’s healthcare industry with an upcoming
      physician’s assistant program and new home for a
      range of our health sciences programs.

  • There is no question that there are major changes ahead
    for higher education institutions across the nation…and
    Oakland University remains vigilant and committed to
    being “the university of choice.”
    o That ambition is at the heart of our “Reimagining OU”
    initiative, which engages students, faculty and staff in
    exploring ways to further develop our culture and
    community engagement.

  • We know today’s students seek a range of learning
    options, including in-person, online and hybrid….
    Alumni Night of Excellence 7

  • We know today’s students expect their time and money
    spent on their education will translate to good, well-paying
    job. And, we have an obligation to make sure it does.

  • And, we know today’s students want to be engaged in a
    campus community that is committed to sustainability and
    respects the environment…and they want to be a part of a
    university that acts responsibly.

    • Over the past year, we’ve made significant strides in
      developing a comprehensive university sustainability
      plan, and have a partnership with Oakland County
      that will draw upon our faculty and students.

  • We hope to sustain a deep and meaningful relationship
    with our alumni, and continue to play a prominent role in
    your lives.

  • We take great pride that we were there at the beginning of
    your journey…and we consider it an honor to be with you
    every subsequent step of the way.

  • We are so proud of each of tonight’s honorees -- along
    with OU alumni everywhere – for representing the promise
    and legacy of Oakland University.

  • Tonight, we take great pride in telling your story, and
    sharing your success because your story is our story, and
    your success is our success.

  • Now, I’d like to invite Erin Sudrovech back to the stage to
    continue with tonight’s awards ceremony