Launch of Oakland80 Navigators

July 13, 2022

LOCATION: OCC Southfield campus

Jared Barnett, Student who has graduated

Lynn Cherry, Associate Academic Dean of Health Professions at
Oakland Community College

Dave Coulter, Oakland County Executive

Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D., President of Oakland University

Peter Provenzano, Chancellor of Oakland Community College

Cal Talley, Oakland80 Navigator

  • Thank you… Dave.

  • We appreciate your leadership and support for Oakland
    University… and your collaboration on bringing
    significant and positive change to Oakland County.

  • It’s so good to be among some of the staunchest
    advocates for higher education…

  • We are here today to mark a beginning of what we
    believe will be a transformation in Oakland County and
    the catalyst is Oakland80.

  • Our collective action in support of Oakland80 places
    education at the center of the county’s effort to
    improve the quality of life for all residents.

    < P A U S E >

  • As many of you know, in 2018, Governor Whitmer
    announced Michigan’s “60 by 30” initiative, a plan for 60
    percent of working-age Michiganders to attain a
    professional certificate or college degree by 2030.

  • Under the leadership of Oakland County Executive Dave
    Coulter, we, in Oakland County, are raising the bar.
    Already 61 percent of the county’s residents have a
    certificate or degree. Now our goal is 80 percent by the
    end of the decade.

  • We have a lot of work ahead of us…. The road to
    achieving our goal might seem steep, but our
    determination and common purpose give us great
    confidence that we will succeed.

    < P A U S E >

  • The impact of higher education on a person, family and
    community is simply transformative. We see this every
    day at Oakland University.

  • In a few minutes, you will be meeting a remarkable
    young man…I’d like to share his story with you because
    it illustrates the power of education on a personal level.

  • Jared Barnett is one of three brothers.

  • He transferred to Oakland University after graduating
    from Pontiac High School.

  • Jared’s parents died when he was just 13, leaving Jared
    and his two brothers without any parents.

  • Jared’s oldest brother, unfortunately, never went to

  • Jared was raised largely by his middle brother, who was
    a terrific young man.

  • Remarkably, both Jared and his middle brother, despite
    not having a parent in their household, graduated from

  • In May, Jared graduated from Oakland University with a
    3.92 GPA. Not only that, he worked full-time at St.
    Joseph Mercy Hospital, and received one of the highest
    university awards we offer, the Alfred G. Wilson Award,
    for his leadership during the pandemic, and tutoring
    Pontiac students on academic and life skills.

    < P A U S E >

  • It is clear that education changed both Barnet brothers’
    life trajectories and their stories offer a compelling

  • To the person thinking about going back to college or
    getting training, my advice is simple: Invest in yourself
    by investing in your education. Whether you are
    considering a community college or a four-year
    university, your investment will yield an enormous
    return on your investment!

  • As THE university of Oakland County, Oakland University
    is working diligently with the talented Oakland80 staff to
    address the barriers many students might confront in
    attaining a degree or a professional certification… issues
    like student debt, transportation, a clear path to a degree
    and the practical realities of needing child care.

  • Oakland University already has many student advising
    services, from academic advising to career counseling.
    We are thrilled to now be able to add a Career and
    Education Navigator. We consider this another way to be
    responsive to our students’ needs as they navigate a path
    toward completing their degrees and ensuring they will
    be successful in their careers.

    < P A U S E >

  • The values of Oakland80 and Oakland University not
    only complement each other but they are inseparable.

  • Oakland University’s partnership with Oakland80 is a
    collaboration that aims to inspire people to imagine what
    is possible, and with an education, make their dreams
    come true…For Oakland County, that translates into
    creating a talent pipeline vital to economic development
    and prosperity to elevate the quality of life for people
    throughout Oakland County.

  • Thank you.

    < P A U S E >

  • And now, I’d like to introduce Cal Talley…who will
    present the details of the Oakland80 Navigator program