Sustainability Awareness Month Rally

October 13, 2022

  • Thank you, Steve.

  • And thank you to everyone for your support and enthusiasm for the
    kick off to Sustainability Awareness Month.

    < P A U S E >
  • At my core, I am a scientist.

  • I look for facts, and piece together a hypothesis in my investigations
    to solve a problem.

  • The environmental problems facing all of us require that we do
    more than look at the facts about climate change.

  • There is no question or doubt that we must address what is needed
    on our campus, communities, society and our planet to be truly

  • We are educators…. And as educators, it is our responsibility to
    make sure our students, and our communities know the facts about
    climate change and sustainability.

  • In the past year, we conducted an assessment of sustainability
    practices at OU.

  • It is merely a benchmark, a starting point…

    • We must raise sustainability as a priority, and find innovative
      approaches to making sure Oakland is not only a sustainable
      university, but a model for all other universities and

  • As we move into the mid 21st century, our environmental concerns
    must be at the heart of a broad public discussion about what
    policies, practices and behavioral habits are suitable and sustainable
    in a world changing rapidly from the impact of climate change.

  • As an institution of higher education, our role is to appeal to
    objective facts and reason….and work for a deeper and broader
    understanding of the environmental challenges facing us, and how
    we can and must work together.

  • Look around… Today’s gathering is a representation of our campus
    community… Students, faculty and staff… All coming together for a
    common cause.

  • In thinking about how best to introduce Sustainability Month, I was
    inspired by “Earthrise,” a poem by Amanda Gorman, who many of
    you will remember for her inspired recitation of her poem delivered
    at President Biden’s Inaugural Address.

  • I think this excerpt from her poem sets the tone for today:

  • Of this, you’re certainly aware.

    It’s saddening, but I cannot spare you

    From knowing an inconvenient fact, because

    It’s getting the facts straight that gets us to act and not

    to wait.

  • So I tell you this not to scare you,

    But to prepare you, to dare you

    To dream a different reality,

  • Where despite disparities

    We all care to protect this world,

    This riddled blue marble, this little true marvel

    To muster the verve and the nerve

    To see how we can serve

    Our planet. You don’t need to be a politician

    To make it your mission to conserve, to protect,

    To preserve that one and only home

    That is ours,

    To use your unique power

    To give next generations the planet they deserve.

  • Thank you