President’s Advisory Counci

October 31, 2022

  • Thank you….

  • I am so pleased to be with you….The President’s Advisory
    council is among our strongest and most reliable ambassadors
    for Oakland University.

  • You are our messengers in the community… in your
    professions…in your travels.

  • Your success is our success.

  • And we are so proud that we remain connected to each other.

  • We think of you as our staunchest advocates…

    • …telling the OU story…
    • …in many ways, embodying that story of how education
      leads to opportunity…

    • and how engagement leads to making a difference in the
      lives of the people and communities you touch.

  • From my perspective, the President’s Advisory Council is vital
    for us to continue to make connections and create
    partnerships that pave the path to the future.

  • On behalf of Oakland University… thank you for your
    commitment, time and energy.

    < P A U S E >

  • So you know… The President’s Advisory Council is one of 17
    advisory and boards of visitors at the university.

  • You might wonder if the president needs advice from so many

  • Well, on most days, the answer is an unequivocal, ‘Yes.’

  • The truth of the matter is that the landscape of public higher
    education is changing throughout the nation.

  • There are many reasons for these fundamental changes,
    including financial pressures, technological transformations
    and the push toward more online learning, and in some states,
    like Michigan, a declining pool of high school graduates
    projected for the next several years.

  • While change might be overwhelming for some…. we are
    optimistic and enthusiastic about what we see as a promising

  • Our success depends on our ability to be responsive, nimble,
    innovative and building key partnership within and outside the
    OU community.

  • There is no question that our partnership with the President’s
    Advisory Council is among the keys to our future.

    < P A U S E >

  • Let me share with you some of our strategies as we navigate
    the ongoing transformation of Oakland University.

  • First, during and in the latter stages of the epidemic, most
    universities and colleges had declines in enrollment, which
    translated into lost revenue.

  • A good portion of that “lost revenue” was made up with federal
    relief funds.

  • But we also made some necessary expenditure reductions to
    make sure we remain fiscally sound and responsible.

  • Right now, our budget is solid and we are optimistic about
    enrollment projections.

  • This fall, Oakland recorded the highest number of transfer
    students (along with Wayne State) among the state’s 15 public

  • In addition, over the past few years, we have made strategic
    investments into our physical campus…In the near future
    renovations will be made to Varner Hall, South Foundation and
    in a few months a new engineering research building will open,
    and this fall we opened East Wilson Hall, an impressive
    gateway to campus where admission office is located, and
    prospective students and their families are greeted.

    • In the works are construction plans for a state-of-the-art
      visitors center at Meadow Brook Hall, one of the nation’s
      cultural jewels.

  • In addition to providing an engaging “college experience,” we
    remain vigilant and prepare to understand what students and
    families are looking for in college education.

  • We are constantly refining our Strategic Enrollment
    Management plan, a multi-layered, highly collaborative
    approach to retain and recruit students in and outside of our
    region…a plan that also considers the demands of today’s
    students for varied learning modalities.

  • As many of you know, our revenue comes from enrollment and
    state funding.

    • I am so proud to report that our successful “Strive for 45”
      campaign, which we began in February 2020, has led to
      Oakland receiving the highest percentage increase in
      state funding of any of the Michigan’s 15 public

    • We received a 12.59% increase in state funding
      compared to 3.39% average increase for the state’s 14
      other public universities.

  • Earlier, I mentioned that our future is predicated upon our ability
    to be responsive, nimble, and innovative…in a word –

  • I want share a few examples on how Oakland’s
    entrepreneurial approach will lead to a transformative impact,
    not only for the university but the region.

  • Our ambition is to be recognized as “the university of choice,”
    that simply means Oakland is the university where students
    get real world experience, and a degree from Oakland
    University is a real investment for students and families.

  • A key for our success is to make available internships and
    service-learning opportunities to all OU students.

  • In the years ahead, Oakland University will be synonymous with
    “workforce development” in Michigan.

    • We will be the preeminent university where students get
      a world-class education, real-world experience and a
      university widely known as a place where your investment
      in education pays off in a quality, high-paying job and
      upward mobility.

  • Another way we are creating timely initiatives that integrate
    educational programs and degrees with “talent needs” is an
    exciting, innovative initiative that we call THE BEST.

    • THE BEST stands for Transforming Health Care
      Education By Elevating State-of-the-art Teaching,
      Learning and Practice

  • With $85.4M in state funding, we would create a healthcare
    professional talent pipeline, and establish an Inter-Professional
    (IPE) Education Center located at 1500 University Drive, OU
    West Campus.

  • In addition to the state funding, OU is working with our partners
    from Beaumont Health/Spectrum Health, a grant from the
    Health Resources and Services Administration, Corewell
    Health, along with the cities of Pontiac and Auburn Hills and
    Oakland County.

  • This unique, interdisciplinary, integrated healthcare teaching,
    training and workforce development initiative includes a clinic
    for underserved populations that will provide our students, their
    employers and the communities and populations they serve
    with better outcomes.

  • Expected outcomes include:

    • Alleviating the healthcare workforce shortage by
      educating and better training 4,500 new health care
      professionals in the next five years.

    • Providing care to 10,000 annual patient visits to the clinic

  • Among the most pivotal corporate partnerships of the last year
    is with Corewell Health, formerly known Beaumont Health
    Spectrum Health (BHSH). That partnership has translated into
    an educational-economic-and-health alliance with nearly a
    $21M gift.

    < P A U S E >

  • Our future is inextricably linked to the communities and
    businesses in our region. We must and will continue to build
    these strategic and essential partnerships.

  • And the President’s Advisory Council is at the core of our effort
    to building these partnerships.

  • Thank you for your invaluable contributions to Oakland
    University, and to being a partner in shaping the future