President's Colloquium Series

November 1, 2022

  • Welcome to the President’s Colloquium Series.

  • This gathering is a striking reminder of the quality and impact
    of the research and scholarship of our talented faculty.

  • It is also an opportunity to renew our commitment of the
    invaluable contribution of intellectual inquiry and how new

    • …new perspectives…

    • …new way at looking at our world and ourselves…

    • …can be truly transformative.

  • This series goes to the heart of our mission….

    • Uncovering knowledge so we can better understand our
      world and better understand each other and contribute to
      the betterment of all people.

  • Since 1995, the President’s Colloquium has featured
    outstanding researchers, and today’s presenter, Dr. Kwame
    Sakyi, certainly takes his place in that fine tradition alongside
    recent presenters including professors Timothy Donahue,
    Daniel Clark, Jeffrey Insko, and Matthew Fails.

  • Dr. Sakyi is an associate professor of public health in our
    School of Health Sciences.

  • In addition to being an NIH grant recipient, he is co-founder
    and director of the Center for Learning and Childhood
    Development in Ghana.

  • I’m so impressed at his range of research….

  • Dr. Sakyi has devoted most of his training and research over
    the past eight years to understand the determinants of
    maternal, neonatal and child well-being in low and middle-
    income countries and identify interventions to address them.

    • He has sought this understanding through projects
      relating to infectious diseases (HIV and malaria),
      developmental disabilities, and maternal and child
      mental health.

  • Clearly, Dr. Sakyi’s work and influence is felt around the world.

  • We are so proud to have Dr. Sakyi here at Oakland University.

  • And now, I’d like to invite Provost Brit Rios-Ellis to provide us
    with a more detailed introduction to Dr. Sakyi’s work.