Rebbe: Five Teachings That Can Change Your Life Today with Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

February 1, 2023

  • Thank you, Professor Pytlik, director of the Cis Maisel Center for Judaic Studies and Community Engagement.
  • Michael…We appreciate your leadership and focus on making Cis Maisel’s vision a reality…
  • And as we can see that is happening.
  • In a few short years, the Maisel Center has supported research, programs and events like tonight’s discussion that enhance the understanding of Judaism and connects us deeply with our Jewish community.
  • Bringing such a renowned scholar as Rabbit Joseph Telushkin to Oakland is exactly what our generous and visionary center founder, Cis Maisel, had in mind when she set out to support Oakland’s academic work and community outreach.
  • I have been looking forward to tonight since I learned that Rabbi Telushkin would be coming here.
  • Rabbi Telushkin is the author of 16 inspiring and compelling books on Judaism, including, of course his acclaimed book on Rabbi Schneerson.
  • When asked why he chose to write a book on Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known to many as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Telushkin told the Jewish Book Council…
  • "I can think of no other rabbi who is as familiar to Jews in Israel, the U.S., the former Soviet Union, and France - the four most populous Jewish communities in the world today. So it certainly seemed that that this was a man whose life deserved to be studied in depth."
  • There’s one particular book by Rabbi Telushkin that probably should be read by anyone participating in today’s political discussion.
  • His book, “Words That Hurt, Words That Heal,” inspired a senate resolution to establish a “National Speak No Evil Day,” a day when Americans are encouraged to go twenty-four hours without saying anything unkind or unfair about, or to, anyone.
  • Kindness can go a long way…
  • And speaking of “putting kindness into action”….
  • Cis Maisel is a friend to many, and a passionate advocate for education and deepening our understanding of culture and the many values that unite us, and the diversity that makes us appreciate our differences.
  • On behalf of the Oakland University community, thank you, Cis, for being such an inspiring force to help create a better community…and a better world.
  • Thank you to the Chabad Jewish Center of Troy and Chabad Lubavitch of Michigan for co-hosting tonight’s event along with the Maisel Center.
  • And finally, thank you, Rabbi Menachem Caytak from the Chabad Jewish Center of Troy for your commitment to enriching the lives of Jewish people through building Jewish pride…and for creating a warm, friendly and inclusive environment open to people throughout the region.
  • Rabbi Menachem Caytak will now offer introductory remarks and a short video featuring Rabbi Telushkin.