OUWB Match Day

March 14, 2023

  • Every year, I look forward to sharing this moment with the OUWB students.

  • Take a moment, look around…. Put your arm around a friend, a family member…and enjoy your accomplishment.

  • No one succeeds without the support, guidance and love of mentors, friends, and family.

  • And….success is meaningless if you cannot share it.

  • On this proud occasion of Match Day, I’d like to extend my admiration to OUWB students, and my appreciation to Corewell Health, Dean Duane Mezwa, and the OUWB faculty. 

  • Thank you for your work and commitment to your students… and for playing a vital role in preparing them for the next step along the path of lifelong learning.

  • So, we’ve come to Match Day.

  • You’ve gone through interviews, learned of open residency positions and ranked your preference. 

  • And now, inside an envelope is the answer to: “Where do I go from here?”

  • It’s a moment of achievement.

  • Yet it can be also an anxious time.

  • Not too long ago, I stood in your place, and felt the excitement of knowing my life was about to change. 

  • I earned my medical degree from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

  • My primary medical-research work was on the physiologic and molecular mechanisms responsible for disorders of growth and puberty, and the development of novel therapies for these conditions.

  • But think about this for a moment: Here I am today, standing before you, not as a physician or medical researcher, but a university president.

  • Frankly, in life, you never know where the road may lead. Wherever you go, whatever you do, the key is often remaining open to possibilities and positive when the unexpected arrives. 

  • Regardless of where you are headed, remember the pursuit of excellence will always keep you on the right path.

  • As you embark on your residencies, go forth with the OUWB values in mind and in your heart…

  • Be compassion – Serve with dignity and empathy in all your endeavors.

  • Seek partnerships, collaboration and teamwork

  • Be an innovator – Be bold and seek answers.

  • Conduct yourself honestly – Value decency, fairness and ethical behavior in all matters.

  • Medicine may by your chosen profession, but a physician’s true focus is the study of life and the role he and she plays in treating and healing people.

  • We are very proud of all of you and know you will carry on the OUWB tradition wherever you go.

  • Congratulations.