Remembrance Ceremony

March 22, 2023

  • I want to thank each of you for taking time to be here… standing side by side in a gesture of respect to honor the memories of those faculty members, staff and students who have passed away during the past year. 

  • This is what a community does.

  • We stand together.

  • In good times and difficult moments.

  • We come together to celebrate and to pay homage.

  • There is much that is said about the life of the cool, detached mind at a university… but as you look around, there can be no mistake… It is the life of the heart that we share as we are drawn together to honor those who are no longer with us.

  • The Oakland University community has its roots in the past, expands with the vibrancy of the present, and projects itself into the future. And this remembrance event is like a great chain that connects the past, future and extends into the future. 

  • Each of us is a link in that chain… and the chain is held together by our common values and the belief that higher education and knowledge makes a fundamental difference in making the world a more humane and compassion place.

  • On behalf of the Oakland University community of students, faculty, staff and alumni, I extend our condolences to the families who parted with a loved one. 

  • We are deeply grateful for this opportunity to honor those who have honored us through their engagement, selflessness and generous giving. 

  • While Oakland University is a chapter in their lives, we are so proud that we can claim their presence in a chapter of the university’s history.

  • Let’s remember that those who have passed remain with us because of the love, friendship and support they have given us, and to their many friends and families.

  • In some cultures, reciting the name of a person who has passed helps to keep alive their presence. I’d like to think that this Remembrance Event is our way to let everyone know that once a member of the Oakland University community, always a member….

  • Thank you…