Oakland County economic Outlook/Oakland 80 News Conference

May 8, 2023

  • Thank you….
  • Welcome to Oakland University and the unveiling of the annual economic outlook that takes into consideration the profound impact of the county’s innovative and timely Oakland80 initiative.
  • In a few minutes, County Executive Coulter will present an overview of Oakland80…
  • …and you will find our progress and prospects to be very encouraging.
  • The blending of an economic development strategy that attracts private investment and jobs and increases wages along with a dynamic plan that aims to create the most educated and talented workforce in the country is, quite simply, a formula for success.
  • When I look around the room…. I see the future.
  • And I am so pleased that we all agree that higher education is at the center of the economic development that can and will transform the region, and thereby transform the quality of the lives of our residents.
  • When I look around, I see the powerful and complementary parts of an engine that drives the Oakland and Michigan economy…
  • …collaborative and visionary leadership from the state, county and local levels…
  • …and a strong partnership among Oakland schools, Oakland Community College and Oakland University that places the interests of county and regional residents first.
  • There can be no doubt that higher education is a catalyst for job creation, increased tax revenues, greater research and development, more civic engagement and sustainable economic growth.
  • Individuals with college degrees have greater economic stability and a better chance at upward mobility.
  • An interesting fact: Full-time workers with a bachelor’s degree earn 76 percent more annually than workers with only a high school diploma.
  • We are so proud and grateful to be standing with the people and institutions working to increase opportunity for our region.
  • At a time of profound economic change, we must work together, apply our collective “brain power,” respond effectively to our shared challenges and transform our region…
  • Since becoming county executive in 2019, Dave Coulter, who has been a true friend to Oakland University, has provided a clear vision and innovative leadership that brings together people and our common economic interests.
  • He served four terms as an Oakland County Commissioner and nine years as Mayor of Ferndale, where he played a pivotal role in improving the city’s credit rating, lowering taxes, reducing the industrial vacancy rate, investing in the city’s infrastructure and transforming Ferndale into one the metro area’s most thriving downtowns.
  • At the State of County Address in mid-March, Dave outlined his vision…including further creating an entrepreneurial environment, while making sure county government remains responsive to the health needs of its residents.
  • Applying the lessons from Covid-19 pandemic, part of the county plan is a $24 million investment to increase access to mental health services and add mental health professionals at schools.
  • It’s that type of vision, timely problem-solving, and compassion that has defined Dave’s leadership….
    • … and it’s his leadership that is playing central role in defining Oakland County’s future.
  • Please join me in welcoming Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter who will present an overview of the Oakland80 program, and offer a few insights from the Oakland County Economic Forecast…