Exemplary Awards

August 29, 2023

  • Thank you….
  • I am so appreciative to have been here today with you…
  • We hope you have found this event to be exemplary….along with the beautiful crystal award to commemorate our appreciate of your work…
  • Exemplary is not ordinary.
  • And exemplary people are not average or typical.
  • Exemplary people are not content with going through the motions…or with mediocrity.
  • Simply put: Exemplary people are excellent at what they do.
    • …whether that’s working at OUWB, campus cleaning, Student Affairs and Diversity, facilities management, housing, global engagement, the Center for Multicultural Initiatives, support services and any of our schools and college.
  • Exemplary people are so good at what they do…. that their attitude, work habits and performance are worth repeating.
  • Today, we celebrate the work of exemplary employees because these employees not only show up…. 
    • They distinguish themselves.
    • They don’t say my job ends at five o’clock because they don’t see their time at Oakland as a job, but more of a calling…
  • What I find so inspiring is that all of you have committed to making OU the best it can be as you are committed to being the best you can be.

  • As we approach the beginning of fall semester next week, it is an appropriate time to recommit to excellence, and to do all we can to create an inspiring learning environment for our students.
  • This group of exemplary employees we honor today rises to meet challenges, stays focused and sets the standard of for the entire university.
  • If I’m facing a difficult situation or a crisis, this is the group that I would want standing alongside me….
  • And this is the group that I know we can count to show up and make a difference.
  • Congratulations …. I look forward to keeping up with each of you, and keeping track of your success as you reach higher for yourself and help all of us aim higher for Oakland University.