OUWB Commencement Address

May 10, 2024

May I be the first to call you…. Doctor.

What does it mean to be called  “doctor?”

It’s important to realize that it’s more than a title, it’s a responsibility.

I once stood where you stand today.

And many years later, I still think about the moment that you are now experiencing. Looking back, I’ve thought about the advice I’d give to myself, and I’d like to briefly share with you what I would say to my younger self:


Approach each day with passion and purpose.

Never underestimate yourself, but never overestimate yourself either.

Be curious, respectful and humble. You don’t know what you don’t know…until that day arrives.

Medicine is as much an art as it is a science. The practice takes practice.

Remember that you enter the medical profession on the shoulders of those who came before you. Honor the tradition.

Seek mentors, and when your time comes, be a mentor.

With caring, comes pleasure and pain. But never stop caring. It’s the foundation of your humanity.

You will suffer heartache…and triumph. When experiencing one, keep the other in mind.

Remind yourself to laugh. Mostly, at yourself.

And. stand on principle. And you’ll never lose your way.

In the final analysis, when you give a lot, you will receive much in return. The universe will notice.

Of all these aphorisms, perhaps the most important one is this one: Believe in yourself.  And believe in the practice of medicine. It is the most noble of professions.