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Teacher - Summer Academy
PUB teachers are carefully selected so that participant learning is maximized. Because the goal of Summer Academy core courses is to prepare participants for success in their next semester of high school and on standardized tests, teachers should be certified in the core subject that they want to teach – especially math, science, and English. Teachers must be creative in their approach, open to using a variety of teaching methodologies to capture all learning styles, willing to incorporate technology into classroom activities, and have a compatible temperament for working with the urban TRiO high school population that PUB serves. Summer Academy teachers must attend a one-day orientation and staff development on the Saturday prior to the start of the Summer Academy.
Academic Mentor - Summer only
These positions are designed for 2 primary purposes: The first is to support learning in the Summer Academy classrooms. To this end, Academic Mentors may be asked to provide one-on-one or small group tutoring for students who need extra assistance. Secondly, Academic Mentors relieve teachers of clerical responsibilities so that their primary focus can be on teaching.
Student Clerical Assistant - Summer only
This position is to help the Administrative Secretary facilitate the clerical needs of a staff of approximately 35 people during the Summer Academy. It may be filled by a college student (OU or other) or qualified adult who is willing to accept the wage and conditions of employment. The duration is for about 12-13 weeks between mid-May and mid-August.
Head Resident - Summer only (Position filled for 2019)
Each PUB participant is expected to spend at least one summer in residence for the Summer Academy. This helps them to become acclimated to what campus life will be like in their freshman year. It is the Head Resident’s role to supervise this setting and assure that participants have a positive experience. The Head Resident reports to the Project Director and is supported by the Project Advisor in assuring that the goals of the residential component are achieved.
Residential Peer Mentors - Summer only
Peer Mentors have one of the most important roles in PUB. They live with participants and so they often become their confidants, many times developing lifelong mentor/mentee relationships. PM’s are also charged with modeling behaviors that participants should be adopting to support college success. Beyond that, one of the greatest challenges for PM’s is differentiating their mentor/friend role from their supervisor/rules-enforcer role.
Real Talk: Although being a residential Peer Mentor is a great pre-professional experience for any student seeking a career in education or human services, the most successful PM’s are those who have prior experience working with teens and living in a dorm. Peer Mentors are actively engaged with participants at all meals, throughout the evening, and into the night. They are active in meetings, planning groups, and training sessions during the day. They must effectively interact with parents and staff and go through a weekly performance evaluation. They are on a performance-based point system to earn the right to work the summer trip. So if your goal is just to secure an easy summer job with room and board, this is not the one!
Night Watch Person - Summer only
The Night Watch Person secures the building by assuring that all entry and stairwell doors are locked by 10 p.m. during the Summer Academy. He/she provides overnight internal surveillance of residence hall along with active members of the PUB Parent Association.
College Success Coach - Academic year only
PUB provides Study Skills, Tutoring, and homework/project assistance to participants after school four days a week at the target schools (one day at each of the 4 schools). This position is responsible for teaching Study Skills modules and supervising the College Club environment. This position must be diplomatic in interactions with target schools personnel and assertive with participants in the school environments.
Teacher - Academic year
Teachers are employed for Academic Year Saturday Academies primarily to provide SAT preparation – both content and strategies – for grades 9-11. Financial Literacy is also included in the curriculum. Teachers also facilitate College Seminar for juniors who have taken the SAT to help them begin directed focus on the process of college fit and entry, selection of majors, and securing financial aid. Academic Year teachers may or may not have taught during the Summer Academy.
Academic Mentor - Academic year only
Academic Year tutors are the primary facilitators of PUB’s after-school College Clubs at the target high schools. PUB Academic Mentors are OU students who are able to provide individual and group tutoring primarily in high school math, science, and English. OU’s students have always found PUB tutoring to be a rewarding experience – especially international students, PUB alumni, and education majors. We welcome all applications!
Academic Year Peer Mentors
The purpose of this position is to model appropriate behaviors for PUB’s high school Scholars that help them to mature and support their aspirations to be successful postsecondary education students. Provide guidance, moral support, general advising, social/cultural/career enrichment, emotional support, and redirection as needed.
Student Office Assistant - Academic year only, Work Study required
Student Clerical Assistants are critical to PUB’s administrative effectiveness and efficiency. PUB can employ as many as 8-10 work/study students as Student Office Assistants during the Academic Year.