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Rachel Reynolds Z

A headshot of Rachel Reynolds

Special Lecturer of Studio Art
West Wilson Hall
Room 314
Phone: 248-370-3603


2007 MFA in Visual Art, Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT

2000 BFA, College for Creative Studies, Magna Cum Laude, Detroit, MI


Painting, Drawing, Site-specific Installation, Collaborative Multi-media


Beginning Painting, Beginning Drawing, Intermediate Drawing, Life Drawing, Painting for Non-Majors, Drawing for Non-Majors, Introduction to Drawing, Life Drawing, Intermediate Drawing, Process Drawing, Drawing/Painting Studio, Drawing for Non-Majors, Online Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Painting, Painting Practices, Painting/Drawing Contexts, Painting for Non-majors, Online Introduction to Drawing

SELECTED EXHIBITION RECORD: (1 & 2-person exhibits marked by asterisk)

Reyes Finn, Detroit, MI Get Together

Detroit Artist Market, Detroit, MI Inspired by Detroit’s Comic Book Artists, juried by Dave Chow & Bill Morrison

CCS Valade Family Gallery, Detroit, MI Alumni Exhibition, juried by Darcel Deneau

detroit contemporary, Detroit, MI Actual Size Biennial

detroit contemporary, Detroit, MI Drawing

Vermont College of Fine Arts Gallery, Montpelier, VT Moonlighting

Detroit Culture Club, Detroit, MI Actual Size 20th Anniversary Exhibition

Whitdel Arts, Detroit, MI The Bitters 2

Oakland University Art Gallery, Rochester, MI At Your Service

Grosse Pointe Art Association, Grosse Pointe, MI Art Makers at the War Memorial

Art School Gallery, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI Group Exhibition 

Simone DeSousa Gallery, Detroit, MI PRINT works

Lawrence Street Gallery, Ferndale, MI “Juror’s Wall” for the call for entry, Metro-Highlights

Bishop Gallery, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI Group Exhibition

* Simone DeSousa Gallery, Detroit, MI If you haven’t heard, now you know: RaRoCo

Bishop Gallery, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI Faculty Exhibition 

Atrium Gallery, Detroit, MI Actual Size Biennial

Butter Projects, Royal Oak, MI Whisper Well

Whitdel Arts, Detroit, MI Full Credit

Marygrove College, Detroit, MI Shared Tendencies, Collaborative Mid-West Invitational 

709 Penn Gallery, Three Rivers Art Festival, Pittsburgh, PA Portraits of Air, Public Arts Project Participant

Public Pool, Hamtramck, MI Banana! Artists on the Greatest of Fruits Exhibition

Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI All Media Annual Exhibition, juried by Timothy van Laar

Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI Faculty Exhibition

Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, MI Actual Size Biennial

Detroit Artist Market, Detroit MI Drawing Explored

Beyond Words Gallery, Marygrove College, Detroit MI Contemporary Author’s Series
(exhibit will also travel to Madonna University, Livonia MI and The Carr Center, Detroit MI)

* Center Galleries, Detroit MI Phases of an Image

Bishop Gallery, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint MI F.I.A. Faculty Exhibition

Anton Art Center, Mt. Clemens MI Oakland University Faculty Exhibition

Valade Family Gallery, Detroit MI Review: CCS Alumni Exhibition, juried by George N’Namdi

Zahorsky Studios, Hamtramck, MI Hamtramck Studio Crawl: 2011

Popps Packing, Hamtramck, MI Pinewood Derby Car Exhibit/Auction

Whitdel Arts, Detroit, MI Actual Size Biennial

City Gallery, Costick Center, Farmington Hills, MI Art Adventure 

Bishop Gallery, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI F.I.A. Faculty Exhibition

Oakland University Art Gallery, Rochester, MI Oakland University Faculty Exhibition

Brooklyn Public Library, NY The Color Project 

Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI F.I.A. Faculty Exhibit

Creative Art Center, Pontiac, MI Sought/Found

CAID, Detroit, MI Actual Size Biennial

* City Gallery, Costick Center, Farmington Hills, MI Studies of Place & Views of Place

Motor City Brewing Works, Detroit, MI Anniversary Show 

College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI Alumni Exhibition, juried by Andres Serrano

Ann Arbor Art Center, Ann Arbor, MI Annual All Media Art Exhibition
* Kingswood Gallery, Cranbrook Bloomfield Hills, MI Isolated Observations: D-DOT

Waterfall Arts, Belfast, ME Treading Lightly: One Foot at a Time

BreadBox Gallery, Hamtramck, MI Presents:…

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Detroit to Ann Arbor Show

The Ladybug Gallery & CAID, Detroit, MI Actual Size

* Wood Gallery, Montpelier, VT This Is It.

* Marygrove College Gallery, Detroit, MI (re)collect 

Paint Creek Center for the Arts, (PCCA) Rochester, MI Tick Tock

14801 E. Jefferson, Detroit, MI Installation-Transformation

* Detroit Institute of Arts, Visiting Artist

Michigan Institute for the Arts, (MIA) Pontiac, MI Michigan Now II

Juris Gallery, Detroit, MI Kinder Show

Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, (CAID) Detroit, MI Actual Size

Oakland Community College, Farmington, MI A Woman’s Perspective 

* Detroit Institute of Arts, Visiting Artist

4731 Gallery, Detroit, MI Witness and Testify

Scarab Club, Detroit, MI Town, City, Village 

4731 Gallery, Detroit, MI Godz Unknown Race Revolt

Scarab Club, Detroit, MI Urban Scenes

Detroit Club, 2nd Annual Arts in the City 

* Traffic Jam and Snug Gallery, Detroit, MI Choice Cuts: Rare and Well-done

C-POP, Detroit, MI She Said / She Said… Is Anybody Listening?

Detroit Club, Arts in the City

Detroit Art Space, Cigar Box 

Detroit Contemporary Gallery, Actual Size

Robert Maniscalco Gallery, Grosse Pointe, MI Love

Robert Maniscalco Gallery, Grosse Pointe, MI Herstory

Detroit Contemporary Gallery, Actual Size

Detroit Contemporary Gallery, Naked


2014 Honorable Mention, Detroit Artist Market, All Media Exhibition, Juried by Timothy van Laar

2011 40 minute interview for public television by Farmington Hills Cultural Division, filmed in artist’s studio, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK17kiPNHwU

2005 Merit Scholarship, Vermont College 

2004 Best in Show, Scarab Club 

2000 Ibex Art Award 

1996 Benson Ford Scholarship


Gallery Conversation, RaRoCo, Simone DeSousa Gallery, Detroit, MI

Panel Discussion: On Collaboration, Marygrove College Gallery, Detroit, MI

Lightning Talks, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 

Book signing and artist talk: Phases of an Image, Center Galleries, Detroit, MI

Artist Talk: Drawing Explored, Detroit Artist Market, Detroit, MI 

Gallery Talk, Anton Art Center, Mt Clemens, MI

Artist Lecture, Madonna University, invited by Art Dept. Chair, Doug Semivan, Livonia, MI

Oakland University Visiting Artist Series, Rochester, MI

Invited by Prof. Lester Johnson to present an artist’s talk & critique students at College for Creative Studies 

Visiting Artist, F.A.F., Farmington Art Foundation, Farmington Public Library, MI 

Guest Artist for Critiques at Coyahuga Community College, Cleveland, OH

Lecture on D-DOT series to Cranbrook Students & CCS Students at Kingswood Gallery 

Invited by Prof. Lester Johnson to present an artist’s talk & critique students at College for Creative Studies 

Lecture on Witness to the Means of Circumstance in Rivera Court at the Detroit Institute of Arts

Invited by Prof. Lester Johnson to present an artist’s talk & critique students at College for Creative Studies 

Lecture on Demolition Site Series at the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum Lecture Hall 

Slide Presentation and Artist Talk for Ibex Group at Grosse Pointe War Memorial Luncheon


2020 Detroit Sunday Sequential #18, Rotland Press, Detroit Novelty Press 
2019 Detroit Sequential No. 2, Rotland Press, Detroit Novelty Press

2017 New American Paintings, Midwest edition

2016 “Three Artists Blur the Line Between Art and Play,” Sarah Rose Sharpe, 2016 


“Neighborhood Gathering,” Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI

“Looking In & Looking Out: View at Costick Center City Gallery, Farmington Hills, MI

“Curious George,” Joan LeMahieu

“Make Room for the Max,” Randy Hardy

“During, Before & After…” Jarrett Streebin

“Suspended Mountainside,” Mary & Herbert G. McDuffy

“Working into the Night,” Judith Levitt

“Mother and Children,” Shayne & Michelle Reckling

“A Closer Look,” Reuben & Jill Levy


Oakland University, Rochester, MI
Beginning Drawing, Beginning Painting, Life Drawing, Intermediate Drawing, Process Drawing, Painting for Non-majors, Drawing for Non-Majors. ONLINE: Introduction to Painting & Drawing 

Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI
Intro to Drawing, Intermediate Drawing, Mixing a Palette, Using Color Creatively, Still-Life Painting; Focusing on Compositional Strategies, Mark-making: Developing a Personal Drawing Vocabulary, Experimental Drawing: Exploring Color & Pattern, Creative Drawing: Drawing in Response to Stimuli, Drawing & Art History, Painting as a Cubist, Painting as an Impressionist, Remixing the Masters, Painting as a Pop Artist, Painting as a CoBrA artist, Painting as a Surrealist, Painting as an Abstract Expressionist, Painting without a Brush, Painting and the Mass Media, Drawing with Charcoal, Drawing & Painting Fabric, Collage Techniques, Painting in Response to an Eccentric Environment, Painting the Urban Landscape, Abstracting the Landscape, Using Gold Leaf, Graffiti & Street Art, Painting Birds, Drawing Trees, Painting Flowers, Drawing with Pastels, Painting Dramatic Skies, Experimenting with a Monochromatic Palette 

Grosse Pointe Woods Women’s Painting Class, Grosse Pointe, MI
Painting Instructor in oil & acrylic

Grosse Pointe Art Association, Grosse Pointe War Memorial, MI
Using Color Creatively: A Palette Mixing Workshop, Creative Drawing: Drawing in Response to Stimuli

Lawrence Street Gallery, Ferndale, MI
Juror for exhibition, Metro-Highlights

College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI
Invited by Alison Wong as Guest Artist to critique painting students

Marygrove College, Detroit, MI
Drawing Skills & Concepts, Painting I, II

Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT
Mentor for graduate student studying Visual Art

Farmington Hills Cultural Arts Division, Farmington Hills, MI
Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture, Multicultural, 20th Century Artists, Youth and Adult

Edsel & Elanor Ford House, Grosse Pointe, MI
Adult painting classes, Youth workshops

Andover High School, Lahser High School
Juror, Traub Travel Scholarship

College for Creative Studies, Continuing Education, Detroit, MI
Oil Painting, Painting & the Mass Media, Painting the Urban Landscape, Drawing Principles, Printmaking Techniques

Art Infused Education: Marygrove College/ George Crockett Academy, Detroit, MI
Reading Comprehension, Creative Movement, Performance, Visual Art, Animation

Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Beginning Drawing, Studio Drawing, Sculpture

Reading and Language Art Center, White Elementary, Detroit, MI
Multi-Sensory Education Methodologies

Conservation and Museum Services, Detroit, MI,

Wings of Faith, Detroit, MI
Instruction of Painting, Drawing and Collage Techniques

Central Care Management Organization, Detroit, MI
Establish Art Workshop for juvenile delinquent teens in East Detroit

Troy Public Library, Troy, MI, Collage Workshops

Highway Press, Detroit, MI, silkscreen printer

Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs: Painting Instructor, Fresh Art Fairs

St. John’s Hospital, Detroit, MI, Art Therapy Assistant