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Fay Hansen

Headshot - Fay M. Hansen
Fay M. Hansen

Associate Professor, Ph.D.
301 MSC
(248) 370-3574
[email protected]



BIO 1002 Human Biology
BIO 3140 Histology
BIO 3141 Histology Lab
BIO 4900/5900 Special Topics in Biology: Organic Farming Field and Lab Experience
BIO 4900/5900 Special Topics in Biology: Organic Farming in Urban Setting
BIO 4900/5900 Special Topics in Biology: Permaculture, Theory and Practice
BIO 4900/5900 Special Topics in Biology: Biology of Food
BIO 4970 Scientific Inquiry and Communication


After more than 18 years of externally funded research on cardiovascular disease, Dr. Hansen elected to close her biomedical research laboratory and “re-tool” in organic farming.  She received her Certificate in Organic Farming from Michigan State University in 2008, returning to campus to establish the Campus Student Organic Farming Program, which she now directs.  Her goal is to help prevent cardiovascular disease and associated pathologies by increasing awareness of linkages between disease and the food system, including how sustainable food is produced and how farming and food production practices affect both environmental and human health. In addition to basic research on plant-soil interactions in organic farming, her scholarly activities currently include using “food” as an overarching theme for academic innovation to enhance community engagement and applied problem-solving in the STEM disciplines.  Her work also involves fostering interdisciplinary and experiential approaches to 21st Century learning, using the Campus Student Organic Farm as a “living laboratory.”  Many of her students have presented their research projects at national and international meetings and/or have been co-authors on her publications.

Selected publications:

Fay Hansen NCBI publication list

Birmingham, J., J. Busik, F. Hansen-Smith and Fenton, J. (2009). Novel mechanism for obesity-induced colon cancer progression. Carcinogenesis 30: 690-97. DOI: 10.1093/carcin/bgp041.

Buchwalter, A., C. Van Dort, S. Schultz, R. Smith, I.P. Le, J. Abbot, E. Oosterhouse, A. Johnson, F. Hansen-Smith and M. Burnatowska-Hledin. (2008). Expression of VACM-1/cul5 mutant in endothelial cells induces MAPK phosphorylation and maspin degradation and converts cells to the angiogenic phenotype.  Microvascular Research 75: 155-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.mvr.2007.08.004.

Alhadlaq, H., Y. Xia, F. Hansen, C. Les and Lust, G. (2007). Morphological changes in articular cartilage due to static compression: polarized light microscopy study. Connect Tissue Research 48: 76 – 84. DOI: 10.1080/03008200601130950.

Department of Biological Sciences

Dodge Hall Rm 375
118 Library Dr
Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-3550
fax: (248) 370-4225