Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)


October 24, 2002

Oakland University
Board of Trustees Investment Advisory Committee
October 24, 2002, 3:00 p.m.
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business
& Information Technology
Presiding: Rex E. Schlaybaugh, Jr.

NOTE: You may review any of the following materials in the Board Office by contacting Rhonda Saunders at (248) 370-3112 or [email protected].

I.Presentation of Financial Statements and External Auditors Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002
Presented by Mr. Jeff Fineis, Partner
Andrews Hooper & Pavlik, PLC
II.Pooled Cash Investment Performance Report
Presented by Mr. John S. Adams, Senior Portfolio Manager
Munder Capital
III.Endowment Fund Investment Performance Report
Presented by Ms. Crissie Tewell, Managing Director
Commonfund Securities, Inc.
IV.Discussion of Investment Policy Issues
Asset Allocation
Spending Distribution Policy
V.Debt Management
Potential Refinancing of Previous Bonds
When to Convert 2001 Variable Rate Bonds
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting who need special assistance should call the Office of the Board of Trustees at 370-3112. NOTE: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this agenda and to add or delete items. Any person wishing to address the Board must submit a request to the Office of the Board of Trustees, 203 Wilson Hall, prior to the meeting or to a representative of the Office of the Board of Trustees at the meeting. The request must include the person's name, address and the subject matter.