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Office of the Registrar and Registrar Services

North Foundation Hall, Room 160
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester , MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3450
Text: (248) 368-7944
Fax: (248) 370-2586

Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you need an appointment outside of our regular office hours, please contact us.

We are committed to ensuring you're able to access our website. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's Student Technology Center.

Web Registration

Keep moving toward graduation by registering for classes during your eligible timeframe. When registration is open, you'll register by logging into MySAIL.

Other reminders:

Register nowHow to Reset your SAIL Pin

Below you will find step by step instructions to process various registration transactions. You should also review our registration FAQs. Guest students should note special instructions for their registration.  

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us at regservices@oakland.edu or (248) 370-3450.

Step by Step Instructions


Ever have a problem with registering for classes? Do not worry this detailed video will explain to you the process of registering for classes. This video will cover three different ways of searching for classes: (a) Subject, (b) Course Number, or (c) CRN.


Hello, Oakland University students. Today, we'll be showing you how to register for classes through your My Sale account. The first thing you'll need to do is access mysale.oakland.edu and log in with your net ID and password. Once you've logged in, you should see a screen similar to this one. At the top of the screen, you should see some boxes with images called cards. Here we've circled the one that says registration and degree planning. To get started, hover your mouse over this card. Once you've got your mouse hovered over the card, it should drop down a new menu of registration and degree planning items. You'll see an item that says Register classes. We're going to click on that to move forward. You should now see the registration menu through your sale account. Before we move forward, please also notice that there's an option to prepare for registration. This is a helpful screen that shows you your registration status or if you have any holds on your account that might prevent registration. For the purposes of this tutorial, we are going to click on the item that says Register for classes. On the next screen, select the term for which you are trying to register. Once you've selected the correct term, press the continued button to move forward. The first way to search for classes is by searching by subject and course number. The subject is a three letter abbreviation for the classes offered at Oakland University. For example, the subject for communication courses is com, C-O-M. Begin typing the subject or if you're not sure of the abbreviation, just type the class type. For example, typing the word communication will bring up the abbreviation for com. As you type, the subjects will begin to drop down for you to select so be sure to click on the subject that you wish to search for. Once the subject has been populated, you can enter the course number. The course numbers are four digit numbers that are associated with the subject. For example, if you are searching for the class Com 1501, your course number that is entered will be 1501. Once that information is entered in both the subject and course number fields, you can hit the search button to continue. This will then populate a list of all the available sections for the semester you've searched for. For example, we're currently looking at all available sections of Com 1501 for this particular term. Once you've decided which class you want to take after paying attention to things like meeting times and instructional methods, you can click on the add button in the far right column to add the course to your summary. Once you've added the class to your summary, you'll notice that the class is not quite added yet. You'll see that the class will show up in your summary quadrant as pending. In order to make sure that you save the changes, hit the submit button in the bottom right hand corner. If the change is successful, the summary quadrant will now show green and list the class as registered. If you encounter any error messages when trying to add the course, the course will display a red error message with a text box up top indicating the specific error message that you've encountered. Please visit our website for more information on registration errors and how to address each one. Once you finish adding your first class, you can press the green search again button to return to the main search menu to find another course by subject and course number. You can also add a class to your schedule if you know the CRN or course reference number for the specific class you were looking for. CRNs are unique five digit numbers that correspond to each section of a class. If you know this number, you can enter CRNs tab and enter the five digit number into the field to add it to your summary and save your changes. If your academic advisor has created a plan for you for which you can register, click on the Plans Tab. For more instructions on how to register specifically from a plan, follow our written instructions on how to register that are posted on our website. Thank you so much for following along on this How to Register tutorial. If you run into any issues or have any questions, please feel free to call registrar services at 248-370-3450 for assistance.

This video will cover what linked sections look like, how to view all the classes linked with a lab or lecture, and registering for both sections.


Hello future and or current students. Today I will be showing you how you can register for link courses or sections. So first I am going to start off with a little explanation of what a linked section is. So, linked sections mean that there is a lecture that is linked with the required lab for the class and vice versa. As you can see, when the class is part of the linked section, you should see under the status column that it says, linked at the bottom. If you wanted to view the linked labs or lectures that go along with it. You would click on viewed linked towards the right. Once you click on viewed linked towards the right, you can see that for this lecture that I clicked on there are four different labs that you can register for. Once you decide which lab you want to go along with your lecture, you can go ahead and click on add all at the top right. What this will do is it will add both the lecture and lab to your summary at the bottom right. Once you have your final decision, go ahead, and click submit and that will register both those sections, the lab, and the lecture. Another thing to keep in mind when your clicking on viewed link is when you clicked on viewed link with the lab, it will only display one lecture that goes along with that lab. There will not be 4 or 5 different lectures you can choose from. I hope you have found this helpful and thanks for watching.

Registering for linked sections instructions

Adding and Dropping Classes

Instructions for dropping a class

The first part of this video will cover an explanation on what conditional add or drop means. The latter part will demonstrate how to utilize conditional add or drop to register for classes.


Hello future and or current students. So, when your registering you might have seen a conditional add and drop check box at the bottom when registering. Today I will be showing how you can utilize this conditional add and drop checkbox and exactly what it does. So, conditional add and drop is utilized when you want to swap out an already registered class for a new class you are trying to register. So, for example here, say that I wanted to register for survey of accounting, and I wanted to drop intro to financial accounting. So, what I would do is, I would make sure that conditional add and drop is checked down here at the bottom and then I will go ahead and add the survey of accounting class. You can see here that it is pending. I will go ahead and click on the intro to financial and click web dropped. When I get ready to click submit, it will add the survey of accounting class and will drop the intro to financial accounting class. So, on the other hand, if you cannot web register for that class, then the conditional add or drop will not work. For example, as you can see here, I still have survey of accounting web registered. If I wanted to web register for managerial/cost accounting I will go ahead and click add. As you can see its pending and then I will go ahead and click on web dropped for the survey of accounting class and select conditional add or drop. When I click submit this will bring up an error letting you know that you cannot do the conditional add or drop for these two classes because a class you were trying to web register for will not allow it. The reason why you cannot web register for a class could be either you are not meeting a pre req (requirement) or co req (requirement), the class is full (the last spot has been taken up), or the class becomes closed. I hope you have found this useful and know a little bit more about conditional add and drop. Thank you for watching.

Conditional add and drop instructions


This video will first explain how to view the number of students on the waitlist and your position. Then, the video will discuss how the notification system works for the waitlist.


Ok now I will show you how you can view your position on your waitlist and when you are notified which is the time remaining and the day you have to accept your spot in the class. First thing you do is over towards the left there should be a box that says schedule. I know here it is kind of hard to see, it shows the lettering as in white, but it is this first spot over here. So, go ahead and click on where it says schedule details. This will pull up all your classes and your summary. If you look for the class that you waitlisted for, then you will see that it is waitlisted and towards the bottom it will say the waitlist position. For example, 1 and notification expires. What they mean by notification expire is that when it is your turn to get a position in the class, you will be notified via email and you will have up to 48 hours to add your self into the class. If you do not add your self within that 48 hours you will lose your spot and it will go to the next person on the list. And then if you wanted to waitlist for that class again you will be put back at the bottom of the waitlist. Thank you for watching.

Waitlisting instructions

Changing Class Credit Hours

In this video there will be a detailed explanation on what a class with variable credits looks like, how to change the variable credits, and how to register for the class with the desired credit.


Hello future or current students, today I will be showing you can change the credits for your class. So you might have seen how some of your classes under the hours column will say something like 0 or 1, or 1 to 4, etc. What this mean is that you can change how many credits you want that class to account for. So, for example here, you can see this university chorus class under the hour column says 0 or 1. What this means is that the class can be worth 0 credits or it can be worth 1 credit. So, if you wanted to change how many credits the class is worth, go ahead and click on add over on the right. Once the class has been added to your summary, click submit. Once the class has been registered and submitted go ahead and click on where it says schedule and options. In schedule and options, you should see the class listed or classes if there are multiple. Under the hours column you should see a number with a little line under it. Go ahead and click on that number and a drop-down box will appear. Click on that drop-down box and this will display the different credits you can change the class to. You can see for this university chorus class its either 0 or 1. So I am going to go ahead and click on 1 credit, because I want the class to be worth 1 credit. Once that is chosen, go ahead and click on find classes and this will bring up a popup box that will ask if you want to save your changes. So, go ahead and click on yes. Now that this save has been successful, go ahead and click on find classes again and this will bring back up your summary. In your summary you can see now that the class is now displaying 1 for hours or how ever many you chose for your class. I hope you have found this useful and thank you for watching.

Changing class credit hours instructions

Guest Students

As a guest student, you are responsible for ensuring courses fit your academic plan at your home institution and that you are prepared for the course.  Please discuss this with your academic adviser at your home institution if you have further questions.  Courses listed on your Guest Application will be available for you to register for automatically in MySAIL.

If you did not list courses on your Guest Application or would like to register for different courses, please contact Registrar Services as you will need to receive a GUEST override in order to be able to register.

Web registration is staggered by class standing and earned credit hours. It begins on the dates noted below at 6 a.m. for the following semesters:

  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter
Earned Credit Hours/Class Standing2025 Date(s)
Graduate students, veterans* and Honors College studentsMarch 17
Second undergraduate degree studentsMarch 18
Seniors with 121 credits or moreMarch 18
Seniors with 91 credits or moreMarch 19
Juniors with 73 credits or moreMarch 20
Juniors with 56 credits or moreMarch 21
Sophomores with 42 credits or moreMarch 24
Sophomores with 28 credits or moreMarch 25
Freshmen with 16 credits or moreMarch 26
Freshmen with fewer than 16 credits March 27
All other students, including guest and post bachelor non-degreeMarch 28

*Veteran students must be currently certified for VA benefits or contact the Office of the Registrar to receive priority registration.

What's my class standing?

Check your earned credit hours by logging into MySAIL and complete the following steps:

  • Select Register Classes
  • Select Prepare for Registration
  • Select a Term

Any registration permits/overrides and registration time will be displayed. Earned credit hours are the combination of total degree credit hours earned on an Oakland University transcript. Current semester credits will not be considered.

If you are a new freshman or transfer student, orientation is required before registration is permitted.

  • View the class standing tab to make sure you know exactly when to register online (you can only register for classes at your eligible date; you cannot register earlier than your eligible time). Web registration begins at 6 a.m. on your appointed day.

  • Meet with your academic adviser before registration begins (graduate students should contact their department for advising contact information).

  • Run a degree evaluation through MySAIL to monitor progress toward your degree and discuss it with your adviser (also continue to check the Progress to Degree feature in the portal throughout the year so you know what classes you have left to take).

  • Go to the Check Your Registration Status feature in MySAIL to see if you have any holds or unpaid bills that may prevent you from registering on time.

  • Have your first-choice classes on a list, with a couple of alternatives, so you can register promptly without having to search when a class is full (go to the class schedule search to search classes). 

  • Register for summer, fall THEN winter classes to avoid registration errors.

  • If the class you want to register for is closed, check to see if there is a waitlist. View more information on waitlisting page.
  • Verify that you meet the prerequisites for the course before you try to register for it (look for prerequisites in your undergraduate catalog or on the class schedule search). 

  • Contact the Helpdesk at (248) 370-HELP or helpdesk@oakland.edu if you experience technical issues while trying to register. 

  • Avoid most technical issues ahead of time by having your NetID and password on hand (go to netid.oakland.edu for information on activating your NetID or password).

  • Verify that you can log into MySAIL and find the Register for Classes link at least three days prior to registration. Contact the Helpdesk if you have problems with these steps.

  • Plan for a high-volume of activity on MySAIL when registration begins; please plan accordingly.

Read more about buildings and structures on main campus, and use this OU Acronym Tool for building abbreviations that are new or unfamiliar to you.  You can also read our how to view class locations tutorial.

Take note of the campus, building and location of where your class will be held as some buildings/locations are located off campus including:

Classes that are online will have Online WEB listed as the location (Online building and WEB for the room).

No Location
Classes that are scheduled individually with the student (i.e., an internship) are listed as NRM NRM as the location (i.e. No Room).

Macomb County

  • Macomb University Center (MUC), located on the Center Campus of Macomb
    Community College in Clinton Township.

Oakland County

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