MarketPlace Information

North Foundation Hall, Room 120
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
[email protected]

Product Request Form

Units requesting Conference/Camps Registration for Continuing Education or Enrichment should now use the PACE - Conference/Camp Registration Request Form or the PACE - NonCredit Request Form in the UTS forms menu.

Departments wishing to add a product to their MarketPlace store must submit the MarketPlace Product Request Form to MarketPlace Operations per the instructions on the form.

Please allow up to two weeks for the approval process to be completed.  Someone from Student Business Services will contact you within two business days of your submitted request to give you information about the status of your request.

For any questions regarding the MarketPlace Product Request Forms please view the MarketPlace Product Request Form instructions.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

MarketPlace Product Request Form Instructions

Department Contact Information:

Main Contact email (REQUIRED):

The main contact is the person that is responsible for testing and approving this product and is the person MarketPlace Operations will contact with questions for this product. This field has to be an OAKU email. Once the email is entered it will automatically populate the name and phone number in the form.

Secondary Contact email:

The secondary contact is the person that MarketPlace Operations will contact if the main contact is not available. This field is not required. This field has to be an OAKU email. Once the email is entered it will automatically populate the name and phone number in the form.

Supervisor email (REQUIRED):

The supervisor email is required for MarketPlace Operations records. This field has to be an OAKU email. Once the email is entered it will automatically populate the name and phone number in the form.

Product Information:

MarketPlace Store (REQUIRED):

Select the store that this product will appear in. If your store is not listed you can select the last option (“Not Listed”) and a text box will appear for manual entry of the store name.

Product Name (REQUIRED):

Product name displayed in MarketPlace. The product name is limited to 200 characters.

Department Already Built In:

Departments that build their own products will indicate whether this product has already been built in TEST or PROD for MarketPlace Operations to review.

Is this product new or recurring? (REQUIRED):

If this is a new offering, this is a new product. If this product has been offered before and only the price, date, time, location and minor text changes (such as a different instructor) are the only changes being made, than this product is a recurring product. If the product has occurred before but the name, modifiers, or description changes, this will be a new product. You selected that this is a recurring product, has the fund and account number changed since the last time this product was offered? (REQUIRED): If this is a recurring product has the fund and account changed since this product was last offered?

Product Description (REQUIRED):

The product description is the text that will appear on the product page.

Type of Product (REQUIRED):

The options are Donation, Event, Merchandise, or Sponsorship.

Event Information:

Location (REQUIRED):

The location that this event will take place at. When entered into the product description the format must meet the United States Postal Service (USPS) standards.

Event Start Date (REQUIRED):

The start date of the event.

Event End Date (REQUIRED):

The end date of the event.

Event Start Time (REQUIRED):

The time that the event starts.

Event End Time (REQUIRED):

The time that the event ends.

If you require additional dates and times please list them below:

List additional dates or times that you may require for this event.

A link to the Youth Protection website is required on all products for events, programs, workshops and/or conferences where a minor (someone under the age of 18) can attend. Are minors able to attend this event, program, workshop, and/or conference?

Select whether a minor can attend this event.

Product Information:

Accepted Payment Methods (REQUIRED):

Select your payment method (ACH (electronic check) and / or Credit Card). This field is pre-populated with both options selected. Departments that select credit card as a payment option will be charged the bank fee associated with processing the transaction; generally between 2 ½ - 4 % of net sales.

Authorization Code:

If the purchase of this product requires the customer to provide additional information that can be used to authorize the purchase (such as a password) please enter the code here.

Options (e.g. T-shirt size or camp times):

If this product has more than one option, such as different t-shirt sizes, different dates for a camp, or different times for a dinner, this is where you can list them.

Stock Number:

MarketPlace will automatically assign a stock number. If you have a specific stock number that you would like to use, enter it here.

Quantity, Registration or Seats Available:

This is where you can enter in the quantity of the product available. If this is an event and you want to limit the number of registrations or seats available, enter that number here.

Auto-Fulfill (REQUIRED):

Select whether you would like this product to be auto-fulfilled (payment automatically processes) or manually fulfilled (this requires a user in the store with the “Fulfiller” role to finalize the sale before the payment is processed). MarketPlace operations recommends using auto-fulfill.

Store Category:

Product categories can be used to help organize products in ways that can be valuable to shoppers and help them quickly find the products they desire. If you would like to have this product appear in a certain category in your store this is where you can list that.

Product Enable Date (REQUIRED):

The date that you would like this product to be appear in your MarketPlace Store.

Product Disable Date (REQUIRED):

The date that you would like this product to be removed from your MarketPlace Store.

Product Homepage/Website:

If this product has a webpage please provide us with a link to that page here.

Department Website:

If you have relevant information to this product on your department website please provide the link to that website here.

Product Return/Refund Policy (REQUIRED):

Enter in the return/refund policy of the product here. Return/Refund policies are required for all products and appear on the product page, the store return policy, the order confirmation email and the order fulfillment email.

Modifiers (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Address, Dietary Restrictions, etc.) (REQUIRED):

Modifiers are the data that you would like to collect. Separated by commas, please list the information you would like to have customers enter here.

Promo Codes (Codes for a promotion for a dollar amount or percent off of an item):

If you require a promo code for your event (a percent or dollar amount off an item), please indicate this here. MarketPlace Operations can generate the promo code, or you can enter in a code you would like to use.


If you have any additional comments regarding this product, please enter them here.

Account Information:

Is any portion of the price paid considered a donation and tax deductible to the payor?

Select whether or not any part of this product is considered a donation and tax deductible to the payor (if the product has a fair market value associated with it, select yes).

Product Price (REQUIRED):

Enter in the price of your product.

How would you like to collect sales tax for this product (if applicable)?:

Please select how you would like sales tax to be collected for this product (Collected using MarketPlace, Included in Product Price, or N/A). If this product does not have sales tax collected then please select “N/A”.

Fund Number (REQUIRED):

Please enter in the fund you would like to use for this product. Once the fund number is entered the fields to the right (Org, Prog, and Fund Title) will populate. The fund number must be compliant with Policy 210 Cash Receipts. If this is a donation, gift, sponsorship, etc. product (or contains elements of such) you must have approval from Gift Accounting and provide evidence of that approval to MarketPlace Operations. Products that are strictly donations, gifts, sponsorships, etc. must use account code X030 Gifts.

Account Code (REQUIRED):

Please enter in the account you would like to use for this product. Once the account number is entered the field to the right (Account Title) will populate. The account number must be compliant with Policy 210 Cash Receipts. If this is a donation, gift, sponsorship, etc. product (or contains elements of such) you must have approval from Gift Accounting and provide evidence of that approval to MarketPlace Operations. Products that are strictly donations, gifts, sponsorships, etc. must use account code X030 Gifts.


If you have any additional comments regarding this product, please enter them here.

Did you attach a picture to use for the product thumbnail (REQUIRED):

Due to changes in MarketPlace from the vendor, we will now require an image to use for the product thumbnail. Image size must be 400 x 400 pixels.

Final Submission:

Once you have finished the form and navigated to the final page, you have the ability to attach documents to the product request form. In the new version of MarketPlace, we will require that departments submit images to attach to products. Image size must be 400 x 400 pixels.

You will submit this form to [email protected]for review. You will enter the email [email protected] in the “Submit Form To” field and then click the submit button. If a user submits the form to a different email address the form submitter will need to log back into the form and forward the form to  [email protected].

Once the product request form is approved an email will be sent to the form submitter and to  [email protected]. Once  [email protected] has received, and approved the form, the MarketPlace team will begin the review and/or build of the product.

All future communications regarding this product request must be sent through the existing email chain based on the form number. Any request to an individual's OAKU email will be returned.