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Managing Editor, Oakland Journal

The Writing Center
212 Kresge Library
100 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(location map)

Managing Editor, Oakland Journal

The Writing Center
212 Kresge Library
100 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(location map)

Image of books.

The Masthead

Christopher Clason and David Garfinkle

Associate Editors
Natalie Cole, John Corso, Sherman Folland, Laila Guessous, Sean Moran, and Brian Murphy

Advisory Board
Brian A. Connery, Ronald Cramer, Brian Goslin, Frank J. Lepkowski, Karen Markel, Karen Miller, Kevin Murphy, and Susan Wood

Managing Editor
Sherry Wynn Perdue, Director, Oakland University Writing Center

Editorial Assistant
Feliece Turner