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Mary B. Eberly Lewis


Associate Professor
Office: 208 Pryale Hall
Phone: 248-370-2314
Email: eberly@oakland.edu
Professional Website

Major Field
Developmental Psychology
Specialization: Adolescent Prosocial and Moral Development

B. S. – Michigan State University (1988)
M.S. – The Ohio State University (1991)
Ph.D. – The Ohio State University (1995)

Undergraduate Courses
PSY 3210 – Child Development
PSY 3220 – Youth and Adolescence
PSY 4989 - History of Psychology (capstone)
PSY 4980 – Seminar in Developmental Psychology: Moral Development

Graduate Course

PSY 5206 - Seminar in Social and Behavioral Process: Social Development

Current Research Interests

  1. Adolescent Prosocial Behavior and Moral Development: Investigating the interpersonal and relational correlates of adolescent prosocial behavior and moral development, including volunteerism and everyday prosocial behavior
  2. Helicopter Parenting:  Understanding factors that predict is use as well as identifying associated emerging adult outcomes.  I'm particularly curious about underlying mechanisms.
  3. College Student Mental Health: Engaged in an intervention study to increase mental health advocacy among emerging adult college students through social norms.

Publications and Chapters

Recent Publications

Eberly Lewis, M. B., McGinley, M., Rote, W. M., **Slater, J. J. (in press). Understanding the link between anxious overparenting and academic confidence in emerging adults: Mediation through interpersonal and intrapersonal processes. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships. 

Laible, D., Conover, O., Eberly Lewis, M. B., Karahuta, E., Van Norden, C., Stout, W., Carlo, G., & Cruz, A. (2019). The quality of mother-adolescents’ disclosure:  Links with maternal moral identity, parenting, and adolescents’ sociomoral outcomes. Social Development, 28, 782-801.

Eberly Lewis, M. B., Vera Hughes, M., Coetzee, T., M. (2018). Parenting and Adolescent Grandiose Narcissism: Mediation through Independent Self-Construal and Need for Positive Approval. Journal of Genetic Psychology,179, 207-218. (Refereed).

Eberly Lewis, M. B., & *Coetzee, T. M. (2015). Dimensionality in adolescent prosocial tendencies: Individual differences in serving others versus serving the self.  Personality and Individual Differences, 82, 1-6.

In preparation:

Eberly-Lewis, M. B., Michon, A., Laible, D., Lawson, S. C., Slater, J. J., & Carlo, G. (in progress).  Maternal Socialization Strategies and Adolescent Moral Reasoning:  Moderation through Sympathy. 

Eberly-Lewis, M. B. (in progress). Do as I Say and as I Do: The Mediational Role of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Prosociality in the Link between Positive Parenting and Adolescent Prosocial Behavior

Eberly Lewis, M. B., Powerski, N., Jackson, J. E., Rote, W. M., McGinley, M. (in preparation). Reasons for Texting and Emerging Adult Adjustment to College:  Mediation through the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs

Slater, J. J. & Eberly Lewis, M. B., McGinley, M., & Rote, W. (in progress). Parental Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism and Helicopter Parenting: Mediation through Parent Separation Anxiety and Parenting Contingent Self-Worth


Eberly-Lewis, M.B. & **Hoenig, T. (2021). Maternal Investment in Adolescent Daughters and Sons: A Bioecological Perspective. In V. Weeks-Shackelford & T. Shackelford (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Parenting. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Eberly Lewis, M. B. & **Franz, S. (2019). Mothers’ and Adolescents’ Conversations about Volunteering: Insights into the Reasons and Socialization Processes.. In L. Padilla-Walker, G. Carlo, & D. Laible (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development. Oxford University Press.: New York, NY.

Lewis, M. (2018; 2017 online). Prosocial behavior.  In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weeks-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Sciences. (pp. xx – xx) New York, NY: Springer International. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_158-1

Eberly Lewis, M. B. (2014). Parents as Recipients of Adolescent Prosocial Behavior. In L. Padilla-Walker & G. Carlo (Eds.) Prosocial Development: A Multidimensional Approach. (pp. 305-326). Oxford University Press: New York, NY.

Recent Conference Presentations


Eberly Lewis, M. B. (2022, May 2 – 4). Correlates of internalizing symptoms during the pandemic: Differences between LBGTQ+ and Cisgender-Straight College Students. [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Child Development Special Topic Meeting: Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination. Puerto Rico.

Jackson, J. E., Powerski, N. A., & Eberly Lewis, M. B., with McGinley, M, & Rote, W. (2022, March 3-5). Texting and Helicopter Parenting between Parents and College Students: What Matters. [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.

McGinley, M., Eberly Lewis, M. B., & Rote, W. M. (2022, March 3-5). Emerging adults’ parental warmth and intrusiveness, needs satisfaction and frustrations, and internalizing symptomatology: Direct and indirect effects. [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence.

Toukhanian, M., Lavorata, I, Eberly Lewis, M., B., Hanna, A., Vergith, M. A., Lubbers, D., & Thompson, S. (2022, March 3-5).  Understanding Injunctive Norms for Mental Health Advocacy in College Students during the COVID19 Pandemic. [Poster Presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence.

Ulloa, G., Rote, W. M., Eberly Lewis, M. B., & McGinley, M. (March, 2022). Escaping the Nest: How Anxiety Driving Overprotective Parenting of Emerging Adults Relates to Challenges in College Adjustment in Typically and Atypically developing Populations. Poster presented at the USF Graduate Student Research Symposium, Tampa, FL.

Victory, C., Eberly Lewis, M. B., McGinley, M, & Rote, W. (2022, March 11). Health-Related Helicopter Parenting Behaviors in Parents of Emerging Adults with Disabilities [Poster Presentation]. Michigan Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Letters Conference, Alma, Michigan.


Eberly Lewis, M. B. & McGinley, M., *Slater, J., & Rote, W. (2021, April 7 – 9 – accepted for presentation). Channeling Youth toward Volunteerism: A Model of Enduring and Mediating Influences. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference. 

**Hanna, A. M. & Eberly Lewis, M. B., (2021, April 11-13). Social Support Systems as Protective Factors for Mental Health Symptoms [Paper presentation as part of a symposium session]. ResilienceCon 2021, Nashville, TN.

*Lawson, S. C., Eberly Lewis, M. B., *Hanna, A. (2021, April 7 – 9 – accepted for presentation). Perceived Warmth and Typicality of Mother-Adolescent Interactions in Media: Augmenting Self-Report Data with Video Vignettes. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference.

McGinley, M., Eberly Lewis, M. B., Rote, W. (2021, April 7 – 9 – accepted for presentation). Helicopter Parenting, Parental Modeling, Self-Regulation, and Emerging Adults’ Volunteerism: Examining the Moderating Effect of Income. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference.

Nowak, A., Laible, D., Pierotti, S., Eberly Lewis, M. B., Karahuta, E., Carlo, G. (2021, April 7 – 9 – accepted for presentation). Trajectories of Maternal Supportiveness and Child Outcomes in African American, Hispanic, and European American Families. [Individual Flash Talk Paper.]. Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference.

Parkhill (Purdie), M. R., Eberly Lewis, M. B., Hanna, A., Lanni, D. J., & Chesure, A. (2021, April 21).  Positive Norm:  Social Norms Campaign at Oakland University. [Invited Talk – Parkhill (Purdie)]. Community Conversations: Research and Action. 

Rote, W., McGinley, M., Eberly Lewis, M. B., **Drung, Y., & **Stevenson, J. (2021, April 7 – 9 – accepted for presentation). Moderating the Helicopter Parenting – Adjustment Link: Examining Unique Roles of Relationship Quality and Attributed Motives. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference.

**Slater, J. J., Eberly Lewis, M. B., McGinley, M., Rote, W., (2021, April 7 – 9). Helicopter Parenting and Late-Adolescent Narcissism: A Multifaceted Examination of Four Theories. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual Conference.

Eberly Lewis, M. B. & **Schmidt, M. B. (2020, March 19-21). The Significance of Target, Grade, and Empathic Concern in Early Adolescents’ Giving Behavior. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Adolescence, San Diego, CA. https://www.biennialmeeting.s-r-a.org/ (refereed – Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).


**Hanna, A., Eberly Lewis, M. B., **Schmidt, M. B. (2020, March 19-21). Reassurance Seeking and Publicity Seeking in Early Adolescents:  Correlates of Other-Oriented and Self-Oriented Prosocial Behavior. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Adolescence, San Diego, CA. https://www.biennialmeeting.s-r-a.org/ (refereed– Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).

*Lawson, S. C., Eberly Lewis, M. B., Laible, D., Carlo, G., & *Slater, J. (2020, March 19-21). Adolescent Reception of Mothers’ Moral Messages:  Moderation through Empathy and Perspective Taking[Poster presentation]. Society for Research in Adolescence, San Diego, CA. https://www.biennialmeeting.s-r-a.org/ (refereed– Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).

*Slater, J. J., Eberly Lewis, M. B., McGinley, M., *Lawson, S. (2020, March 19-21). Predicting Maternal and Paternal Helicopter Parenting from Sympathy and Narcissism: Differences by Parent Gender. [Poster presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA https://www.biennialmeeting.s-r-a.org/ (refereed– Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).