School of Music, Theatre and Dance
371 Varner Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4485
(location map)
Academic Office: (248) 370-2030
Fax: (248) 370-2041
For all event or ticketing questions:
Box Office: (248) 370-3013

About Us
Each day, Oakland University’s School of Music, Theatre and Dance (SMTD) is alive with the sights and sounds of performing arts education. Collaborating with world-class faculty, students are transformed through experiences in the classroom, rehearsal space, practice room, studio and beyond. Diverse performance opportunities abound for both students and audiences.
The Oakland University School of Music, Theatre and Dance is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST) and National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD).
Welcome to the School of Music, Theatre and Dance at Oakland University! As you explore our website, you will discover hundreds of events that showcase our vibrant performing arts faculty, students, and guest artists. Prospective students will find a wealth of information about our comprehensive performing arts curriculum.
At Oakland we encourage all students to engage in the arts. Whether majors, minors, or non-majors, students are given opportunities to develop their craft as they pursue their ambitions, studying with and performing alongside nationally and internationally renowned faculty and practitioners.
Located in the metro-Detroit area, we engage with the rich arts culture surrounding us while contributing to the local and state-wide performing arts communities in both traditional and imaginative ways. An inclusive performing arts school, we celebrate diverse and innovative perspectives, encouraging students to cultivate their dreams and passions.
I invite you to learn more about the School of Music, Theatre and Dance at Oakland University. Please join us for one—or many—of our outstanding performances. The calendar can be found here. For prospective students, we invite you to explore our programs from the inside and Be A Major for a Day.
We look forward to welcoming you to our campus.
Elisabeth Honn Hoegberg, Ph.D.
Director, School of Music, Theatre and Dance
The School of Music, Theatre and Dance provides pre-professional, professional, liberal arts, and general education in the performing arts through artistically-grounded academic programs and diverse performance opportunities.
Our work is kinetic, alive, visceral––occurring collaboratively among learners and teachers, realizing learner potential, cultivating unique artistic voices––in artistically rigorous, authentic, interactive environments.
Varner Hall, located at the southeast corner of the main campus, is the center of performing arts at Oakland University. SMTD facilities within Varner Hall include:
- Varner Recital Hall
- Varner Studio Theatre
- Varner Laboratory Theatre
Varner Hall’s performance facilities can accommodate special needs on a limited basis. Accessible restrooms are located on the second floor. These are easily accessed from Varner Recital Hall’s upper level seating or from the first floor and Studio Theatre, via the elevators at the Varner Recital Hall entrance to Varner Hall.
For your convenience, we recommend using the elevators near the "Varner Recital Hall" entrance (parking lot 26) when attending performances at Varner Recital Hall.
Please contact the Box Office at (248) 370-4578 in advance of the performance you wish to attend for information and special assistance.
Free parking is available in several lots adjacent to Varner Hall, including lots 36, 26 and 24. For more information on parking on OU’s campus, see the parking page.
Lockers are available for students on the first floor of Varner Hall. To obtain a locker see the departmental secretary in 207 Varner Hall.
Facility, Services and Equipment Rental
MTD's Varner Hall facilities and equipment are available to rent between May 15 and August 15 every year.
To request the use of any MTD facility and/or personnel, submit the Scheduling Form to the Office of Scheduling, 203 Varner Hall. To request MTD services and equipment, submit the Services and Equipment Request Form to the Office of Scheduling, 203 Varner Hall.