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Music Education Field Services

Welcome to Music Education Field Services! Please contact musicfields@oakland.edu with any questions.

Faculty and Staff:

Jeffrey Heisler Headshot
Jeffrey Heisler
Chair, Department of Music
Professor of Music
Cat Bennett Headshot
Dr. Cat Bennett
Assistant Choral Music Education
Coordinator, Music Education Field Services
Pam Klena Headshot
Dr. Pamela Klena
Assistant Professor
Music Education
Niki Rose Headshot
Mrs. Niki Rose
Music Education

For teacher certification, all students in the Music Education program are required to complete 160 hours in local K-12 music classrooms prior to the Student Teaching Internship (MUS 4952). These placements are coordinated by Dr. Bennett and are connected directly to your coursework. You will receive information about this in your methods courses throughout the degree program.

The Music Education degree requires scheduled field observations in MUS 2441 (prior to major standing).

After Major Standing, the Music Education degree requires 30 hours of fieldwork (observe/assist/teach) every semester prior to Student Teaching, including semesters where you may not be taking a methods course. Your active participation in these teaching practicums are essential to your success as a future teacher.

Field Log

District Protocols
Some districts may have special requirements.
Contact musicfields@oakland.edu with any questions about district protocols.

Professional Expectations

Competency and Retention
The goal of our professional education programs is to develop capable practitioners who will prepare children and adults for multiple roles in an ever-changing, global environment.

Retention in the Music Education degree program:
Retention in the Music Education degree program is based on the expectation that students will demonstrate the professional dispositions of K-12 professional educators. Students may be removed from a program, removed from a field placement or may not be recommended for certification: (i) if they fail to fulfill any such expectations to Oakland University’s satisfaction, including without limitation the expectation that they demonstrate adequate and appropriate communication ability and character and develop, maintain and fulfill their professional relationships, responsibilities and competencies: (ii) academic misconduct; (iii) violations of the Michigan Code of Ethics for Teachers; (iv) failure to fulfill any Oakland University academic or conduct requirements; or (v) violations of any other program or Oakland University’s policies, rules, regulations or ordinances.

Students may also be removed from field placements: (i) upon request of a building administrator; (ii) for a failure to comply with the requirements of this Competency and Retention Statement; (iii) if Oakland University determines that removal is in the best interests of the student, Oakland University, the professional education programs or the schools where the student is placed; (iv) inadequate planning, classroom management, and/or discipline; (v) lack of content knowledge; (vi) deficiency in oral or written communication skills; (vii) inappropriate personal or professional behavior; (viii) ethical impropriety; (ix) violation(s) of community standards or policies; or (x) failure to exercise appropriate, professional judgments.

The student teaching internship (MUS 4952) is a full semester (12 credits) of teaching alongside a local K-12 teacher in a music classroom.

You will be assigned a University Supervisor who will support you in this process, provide feedback and assessments, and will facilitate seminar experiences throughout the semester for you and your peers. Seminar dates will be provided at the beginning of each semester.

A mandatory online Internship Orientation training is required during the fall semester for students interning the following Fall or Winter academic year, to be completed by October 31. Students will be notified about this by email. Internship application materials and resume are due the first Friday of classes in January of the year prior to your student teaching (whether fall or winter).

Internship Application
  1. Internship Application Form (includes resume submission)
  2. Interview: You may be contacted to interview with the teacher and/or principal. You must have voicemail and check it. Please make sure that you have a professional greeting.
    District procedures and timelines vary:
    • Some cooperating teachers will call you directly to schedule an interview.
    • Others will send you a letter or email requiring that you call to schedule the interview.
    • Others will have the Music Education Field Services Coordinator email or call you to tell you of the interview request.
    • Be prepared to respond to whatever method they use. Interviews will vary from very informal meetings with the prospective teacher to formal interviews conducted by the principal.
    • When you receive the call or letter requesting the scheduling of an interview, respond immediately.
    • Remember to dress professionally for the interview and bring an extra copy of your resume with you.
    • Contact Music Fields Services (musicfields@oakland.edu) to let the Coordinator know that you have completed the interview so that confirmation of the placement can be completed.
  3. Confirmation: you will be notified of internship placement confirmation by email from the Field Services Coordinator.

    You will need to complete all protocols per District requirements, which may include a Background Check, fingerprinting, etc.
Submit Final Forms
You must take and pass the MTTC for Music Education (JQ). Take it early so that we receive your passing scores prior to student teaching (required by July 31 for Fall interns/November 30 for Winter interns). 

Make sure you select Oakland University for where your scores will be sent. When you receive your scores, be sure to download a copy for yourself AND send a scan of your passing scores to musicfields@oakland.edu.

Link to MTTC study guide: 

This documentation is required prior to your Student Teaching Internship:
Fall deadline: August 15
Winter deadline: November 1
  1. Bloodborne Pathogens Training (further information can be found on the School and Field Services Applying for Student Teaching Internships page)
    • Complete 1–2 months before Student Teaching.
    • Print your final score and submit.
  2. Adult and Child CPR and First Aid Certification (Michigan Department of Education)

    HB 4038 of 2004 requires newly certified teachers in Michigan to possess a valid certificate of course completion for first aid training that includes adult and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This training may be from the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association or a course accepted by Michigan Department of Education. Online courses are not acceptable. Learning first aid and CPR requires demonstration and practice.

    • Each individual seeking certification through OU for the initial (standard) teaching certificate will need to show the original card to the Office of School and Field Services prior to beginning the internship and provide a copy of the front and back from a valid provider. If you receive your certificate electronically in PDF form, you may forward it to Music Field Services (musicfields@oakland.edu).
    • Cards must be valid through the time of recommendation for teacher certification (about two months following student teaching or renewed as needed when certification takes place).
    • Any individual with physical limitations that make it impractical to obtain this certification must also provide Music Field Services with medical documentation of the limitation.
    • You can find the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association training times and locations by accessing their respective websites. The Michigan Department of Education lists the approved providers.
    • Please note: Online training will not be accepted.
  3. Aspiring Educators of Michigan (formerly SMEA) Membership
    • Your Aspiring Educators of Michigan (AEM) membership will provide you with required Liability Insurance, per our policy.
    • Insurance must last the duration of your Student Teaching internship. Membership runs from September 1 through August 31, and applications are accepted after June 1. Early application may result in the need to reapply.
    • Fall student teachers will need to show their proof of AEM with their light blue card by August 15. If the card has not arrived prior to the start of the internship, students can show temporary proof by giving Music Field Services a copy of the NEA member letter that indicates that the application is in process. When your AEM card arrives (not MEA Advantage), make a copy and bring it to School and Field Services. Alternatively, you can forward it to musicfields@oakland.edu.
District Specific Requirements

Fingerprinting: Please check with your district's administration office to confirm their requirements.  Oakland University does not need a copy of your fingerprints.

Note: If a student postpones his/her internship, the original forms will be necessary. Please keep them for future use.

OU Police Fingerprinting

Substitute Teaching: Inquire with the district about substitute teaching policies and procedures. Interns can substitute after approval from the mentor teacher, the university supervisor, the staffing company and School and Field Services. 

The Substitute Packet and Substitute Signature form can be found on the School and Field Services Student Teaching Internships page.

Exit Requirements

Complete these online forms at least two days prior to culminating seminar: