Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work & Criminal Justice
371 Varner Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2420
fax: (248) 370-4608
Social Work
Varner, Room 513
371 Varner Dr.
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2371

Student Clubs
Looking to get involved? Our Department offers several student organizations to connect you to campus programs and events, leadership and volunteer opportunities that best match your interests and field of study.
Please consider joining of our our many student organizations we offer in the Department.
Students can log into GrizzOrgs by visiting and enter their NetID (email) and password.
What is AKD?
AKD stands for Alpha Kappa Delta, a democratic, international honor society of scholars dedicated to investigate humanity for the purpose of service. AKD seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in scholarship in the study of sociology, the research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activity as will lead to improvement of the human condition.
AKD is open to sociology majors who have achieved the required level of academic excellence. Inductees must be juniors or seniors maintaining at least a 3.60 grade point average and must have the approval of the sociology faculty. Each year, the department celebrates its inductees with an event at Meadowbrook Hall, during which one of our faculty members shares remarks on his or her academic and professional journey in the discipline.
Why become a member of AKD?
AKD provides a variety of services to its members. Members receive a one year subscription to Sociological Inquiry, AKD newsletter and a certificate. Additionally, the society sponsors student paper contests and provides funds for student travel to regional sociological meetings. AKD chapters are important in the academic, professional and social lives of student and faculty members.
For more information, contact Dr. Maria Paino at
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Criminal Justice Club of Oakland University is to assist OU students in exploring the wide variety of career opportunities available within the field of criminal justice. Our goal is to bring students with common interests together and help them grow in their abilities and knowledge of the field. This mission will be met through access to educational, volunteer, and social activities.
Officers represent the leadership of the Criminal Justice Club. Our officers range in class standing, and our club is open to help and participation from all levels of the student body. We are always looking for hardworking and committed individuals to join our team. To be an officer in the CJ Club, you must be pursuing either a major or a minor in criminal justice. To be a member, an interest in criminal justice is all that is required. If interested in an officer position, please do not hesitate to contact us through email or in person at one of our many events.
Faculty Advisor - Kimberly Byrd, Director of Field & Student Support
President - Shalom Byrd
Vice President - Bashar Khalid
Treasurer - Grace Petrach
Secretary - Kayla Kelly
Class Representative - Emma McWilliams
What We Do
The bulk of Criminal Justice Club events revolve around guest speaker visits from knowledgeable professionals from all areas of the criminal justice field. Federal agents, police officers, defense attorneys, and probation officers are common guests. We also hold social meetings to meet and greet students with similar interests, and we hold a variety of other fun and educational events throughout the year.
When We Meet
Club meetings are held as needed, and events are held periodically each semester. To ensure that you are notified when an event is announced, ensure that you are signed up as a member of the Criminal Justice Club on Grizz Orgs.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our organization, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at or find us on Instagram.
Students in the Anthropology Club participate in activities such as a Native American Thanksgiving with authentic foods, lab night for learning about artifacts and sites by handling and cataloging artifacts from both prehistoric and historic sites, anthropology movie night, field trips to sites and museums in the area, and participation in emergency salvage excavations. For more information, contact Professor Holly Yatros at
- September 15th, 5:15-8:15 p.m.: Trivia & Game Night
- September 29th, 7-10 p.m.: Artifact Lab Night with Dr. Spencer-Wood
- October 8th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Detroit Zoo: Primatology Pals
- October 23rd, 6 - 9 p.m.: Bonfire
For more information, contact Professor Henri Gooren at
The goal of the Oakland University Sociology Club is to give the student body an active forum for presenting and discussing sociological topics of interest to both sociology majors and non-majors alike. At the same time the club hopes to enable club members the ability to build a camaraderie with like-minded students, network with key professors, participate in informative lectures and enjoy up-coming social events. To achieve this goal the student officers of the club hold monthly meetings, lecture forums, movie nights, social events including department pizza luncheons and the club’s “Soc-Social” in the fall; along with giving members the opportunity to acquire career/grad school information while adding a socially beneficial academic club to their college resume and list of accomplishments.
More information is available on GrizzOrgs.
The Sociology Club welcomes all OU students from any major to join. For more information, please contact:
Sociology Club Faculty Advisor
Dr. Matt May
The Purpose of the Social Work Club is to develop and uphold professional values, knowledge and skills in social work. Member is open to all undergraduate and graduate students interested in social work and other human service related fields.
Phi Alpha Honor Society
The purpose of Phi Alpha is to recognize and promote scholastic achievement among students and d faculty involved in the undergraduate or graduate social work program at Oakland university. To recognize, improve and further the goals of social work in the community, state, nation and world. To stimulate interest in preparation for a career in social work. To encourage continued study and research at the undergraduate level, the graduates level, and in professional practice. To recognize those professional social workers and other whose service, contributions and leadership are held in esteem.
An undergraduate student is eligible for active membership after achieving the following national minimal requirements as well as Phi Alpha requirements.
- Declare social work s a major
- Achieve sophomore status
- Complete 8 semesters hours or 12 quarters hours of required social work courses
- Have an overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- Have a 3.25 GPA in required social work courses
The Purpose of the Social Work Club is to develop and uphold professional values, knowledge and skills in social work. Member is open to all undergraduate and graduate students interested in social work and other human service related fields.
Some of the activities the Social Work Club has participated in is the Making Strides Breast Cancer walk this past October, volunteering at Focus Hope in Detroit, which is a program to help solve problems such as hunger, economical issues, incomplete education, and racial controversy. On November 6th, the club will be meeting to discuss the family they will be adopting for the Holiday season. The club also held a fundraiser called Penny Wars, where juniors (pre-social work) battle seniors to raise -money for the Breast Cancer Walk this past October.