University Services
Police and Support Services Bldg. Rm 15
201 Meadow Brook Road
(location map)
fax: (248) 370-4544
Printing Services
(248) 370-2282
Mail Services
(248) 370-2281
Central Receiving
(248) 370-2165
Property Management
(248) 370-4220
Package Delivery Services
Requests for package service using any of the listed carriers can be completed by visiting Mail Services 12 Police Support Services Bldg. between 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday. These services can also be requested by placing your item in your daily mail pickup with a bar code slip attached. Packages will not be picked up unless there is a bar code slip with your fund # and service requested on the slip. Bar code slips and stickers are available free of charge by contacting Mail Services at, submitting a form via fax 2286 or by sending your completed form in campus mail. If you need a copy of the order form click on the link Bar Code Supply Form.
Mail Services has a daily pickup scheduled with UPS and DHL between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. Requests for FedEx pickup must be made by 3:00 to be picked up that day. Mail Services keeps a limited amount of supplies on hand for all carriers for use at no charge. Any packages submitted after our scheduled pickup time will ship the next day. For a complete list of services available from all carriers visit their websites.
Embarbargoed Countries - Please note that there are some countries that we can't ship to. For further info on a specific countries restrictions please go directly to the carriers website.
**Delivery of packages received at the OU Receiving dock from UPS, DHL, FedEx and Amazon for departments. All incoming packages from these carriers are handled by Central Receiving. Contact Central Receiving at 2165 with questions regarding delivery of incoming packages. Mail Services handles only packages that are being sent via USPS United States Postal Service and Amazon.
Campus Courier Service
Upon request Mail Services provides courier service of boxes between campus buildings. The charge for these services is $15 per box. The boxes can't weigh more than 50 lbs. and the pickup needs to be scheduled.
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