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Sarah Pazur Headshot
Sarah Pazur is a Michigan-based writer with a PhD in Educational Leadership. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, Exacting Clam, JMWW, Hybrid Pedagogy, Phi Delta Kappan, EdWeek, English Leadership Quarterly, and other publications. You can follow her on Twitter @Saypa. Her essay, "What You Wear in Public," is used frequently in Workshop in Creative Nonfiction. 

John Carlisle Headshot
John Carlisle, columnist for the Detroit Free Press, is the author of 313: Life in the Motor City, a collection of dozens of short stories and photographs about Detroit. In his eight years as a Free Press columnist, Carlisle has won nearly four dozen state and national awards for his writing, including five Emmy awards. You can follow him on Twitter @_johncarlisle. His feature article, At Upper Michigan's only Strip Club, Hunting Season is Huge, is used frequently in Workshop in Creative Nonfiction.