This interdepartmental program offers a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in biochemistry. The biochemistry program is based on faculty resources and research facilities in the departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for a career in biochemical research, graduate study in biochemistry or molecular biology, or professional education in medicine, dentistry or other health sciences.
The specialized research facilities for cellular and analytical biochemistry at Oakland University include tissue culture facilities, an ultracentrifugation laboratory, isotope laboratories with beta and gamma counters, equipment for gas and high pressure liquid chromatography, and GC/MS, UV-vis, fluorescence, NMR, EPR, laser Raman, and atomic absorption spectrometers. Recent biochemical instrumentation acquisitions include a flow cytometer, a radioisotopic image analyzer, automated capillary electrophoresis, confocal microscope and DNA sequencer.
Undergraduate students in the biochemistry program have access to faculty research laboratories and are encouraged to participate in various ongoing research programs such as studies in metabolism, gene expression, hormone action, immunochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics and macromolecular structure.
Program honors and scholarships
Program honors may be granted to graduating seniors in biochemistry on the basis of high academic achievement (minimum 3.60 overall grade point average) and excellence in biochemical research at Oakland University.
The Professional Biochemistry Scholarship sponsored by Oxford Biomedical Research Inc. will be awarded to a junior biochemistry major who shows promise for achievement in the field based on performance in BCM 453/454/457 and evaluation by the Biochemistry Committee.
Colin Wu
203 Mathematics and Science Center
(248) 370-2349
[email protected]
Department of Chemistry
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321